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Future mark.


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Ok so as you might know I just built my new pc etc....... And I thought I would throw on 3DMark05 and see how things go...... Well I did it and got a score of 6013..... Now I did a quick compare cause I'm not sure of it being a good score or not and I come across the widest spread of scores with very similar computers....... I'm really confused as to whats going on. :-/


I see people with 13000 and then someone else with what seems to be the same computer get 6000.... Why is this.... Oh and it managed to make me worry about if I damaged my cpu or not so yeah fun times...... >.>



What would you expect from:


amd 64 x2 3800+ dual core

Geforce 7600GT

2GB ram


/sigh I hate buying new stuff I always think I've damaged it some how. v.v;;


On a side note.... Wtf......... My ram is aparently running at 200mhz when it's meant to be 400mhz..... Wth is up with that?


Edit: Where did I get futuremark from? O.o

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I'm pretty sure that your ram is ddr. That means that it runs in the speed of 400Mhz at 200Mhz. It's to do with clock cycles, as it performs two operations in one clock cycle.


And futuremark 05? Don't you mean pc mark 05 or 3dmark 05? I googled it and only those two came up...


But if it's 3dmark, the score is okay. If you used online result browser, you didn't put the clockspeed as 3800? As the cpu runs at 2000Mhz by default.

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Well you succeeded in making me feel better about me damaging my cpu or not..... I did however realise that I accidently got the manchester chip instead of venice when I realised the venice chip I was going to go for wasn't dual core.... >.> So yeah, that's a bit dissapointing, but other then that. Yayz.

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