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Which characters would you like to see more of in games?

Atomic Boo

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Any Soul Caliber II players here. Then you'll be familiar with my choice:




Raphael. Now I know it looks like he's the kind of guy who prefers the company of men, but the he's 100% pure class. A master of fencing, he's fighting for freedom during the French Revolution. Known in the game for skillfully dogding an enemies blows withouht breaking a sweat. Anyone not yet convinced should check out his weapon demonstration, it's just too cool to describe.


I pick him because I bet he's got an awesome back story that hasn't even been touched upon. His character could be explored a lot more as well. Apart from that, what was the last time you got to use a rapier in an adventure game. He needs his own game.


Yeah I own SC2 and he is a fantastic character, he pretty much leaves you confused on what his next move will be as its quick, fast and before you know it.... you realise hes a right bastard to fight against :laughing:

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A lot of characters from older Mario games hasn't made much of an appearence in this generation at all.I think those Bowser kids should be seen again.


I think the bowser kids are going to be in the new Mario DS.

Anyone else hear this?

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