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Resident Evil is getting better...

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Admittedly, there was a few bumps on the road over the last several years, with RE8 especially being in Bizarre Land. Like, come on. Lady D was just a fad. :blank: :heart:

The DLC for RE4 is surprisingly good, in my opinion. Although, yes. RE4 has always been more of a third person action adventure game, as opposed to being a traditional survival horror game. After all, you buy your equipment rather than finding it most of the time. Then of course, the enemies drop bullets as if it were candy in a vending machine. 

Nonetheless, the latest animated movie was enjoyable, with Chris being berated by the main villain for slacking off. And while Julia Voth will always be the best Jill Valentine, I must say, hell. At least she's finally back. :grin:

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