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Super Mario maker 2 Community Level


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So I still want to do this, though I haven't fully thought this through, so bear with me. This OP will keep getting updated when needed.

I want to create a level together with anyone who's up for it. The way I envision doing this is as following:

  • Before we start building we agree on a style, course theme, gameplay themes, and difficulty. And anything else that needs to be decided globally.
  • Then there's a building round where each participant builds his section. Uploading your part of the level is probably the easiest way to share it with me.
  • Unlike MM1, there's no way to edit uploaded levels. My job as the organizer is to painstakingly recreate your sections and put them together.
  • After each building round there's a discussion round where we comment on each others sections and/or the level overall, to discuss what needs to be improved, and how we want to continue.
  • There may be a revision round if people agree some sections need more extensive work. Small edits can be handled by me.
  • Depending on how many participants we have and how big we want the level to be, we repeat building and discussion rounds until we think the level is done.

Some notes:

  • I do want to adhere to some of the design guides I've posted. Proper levels with build-up, challenges and places where the player can rest. Unless we're doing gimmick levels, but I'm not sure how well they work when made as a community.
  • There will be a randomized order (or at least, that's how I envision it) assigned to participants. So if you happen to be the first, make something appropriate for the start of a level.
  • A "section" won't have a hard definition. I envision it being roughly 1 to 2 screens wide, with whatever height you require. Some sections / challenges may need more space, especially if people want to use the sub-area. You may also include a bit of a rest area, especially after a hard challenge.. You may also leave that up to the next participant. Also, keep in mind the borders of neighbouring sections.
  • As I need to recreate stuff.. If you're using advanced stuff that's not immediate obvious during gameplay, you may need to explain it to me.
  • I won't alter sections on my own account, apart from edits needed to connect to the neighbouring sections. Edits will be discussed in the discussion round, before being applied.
  • Just because there's going to be some agreed upon common themes doesn't mean you can't deviate from it occasionally.
  • Description will have a link to this thread.

For now, before I start sign-ups, I simply want your comments and suggestions, and to gauge interest.

Edited by Sméagol
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