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Nintendo's NX Strategy [thrip]


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MArio kart must come out immediately, it is a genuine system seller and can be a title they continue to build on throughout the life of the nx. First Christmas alongside Mario 3d


Right you are!

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I just got the Uncharted Collection. And that got me thinking...


You know what franchise would be perfect as an equivelant to Uncharted? Disaster: Day of Crisis!




They both have ambitious stories, as well as a mix of shooting, climbing, puzzles and vehicle sequences. Make the game less segmented, replace the rail sections with third person shootouts and give the game more of a western feel and bam, we have an equivalent that's still not derivative.

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When you look at the big sellers that are pushing both the PS4 and XBO, there isn't much variance. There's a huge amount of shooters, action games and FIFA.


I suspect half of the PS4s out there were bought simply to play FIFA and COD.

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They might have been, which is why Nintendo need the support of those titles desperately. That or they need another huge hook like Wii Sports and Fit, I bet half of Wii owners bought it soley for Wii Sports and Wii Fit.

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