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Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon


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I did the next main mission but have been focusing more on capturing garrisons and doing the side missions. Got myself the explosive shell upgrade for my rifle which is pretty sweet - great for taking out speedboats and bunched enemies. I'm loving placing mines in the way of patrolling jeeps or attaching C400 and then blowing them up when they pass others. It's probably standard fair for most FPS games but it's amusing me no end. Also love the bow and arrow but the neon blue lights make it difficult to see so often find myself switching to my pistol and then swapping back. Wished there were some upgrades for it too but no biggy.


Also finally took down my first Blood Dragon. It had a helmet on (which I guess you can blow up giving the achievement list?) and seemed a lot more agressive than a regular one but the garrisonI was in had a mounted turretso once he came into my sights, he was alsways going down.

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I got all achievements the day I finished it. Taking down the dragons is pretty easy with the sniper plus explosive rounds. The most annoying achievement to get was the kill 25 dragons, not because it was hard but because I couldn't find any of the fuckers. I had to resort to spawning at a certain garrison, killing the dragon that was always near by, saving in the garrison, quit and then reload. Rinse and repeat.


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@Captain Falcon The dragons with the red helmets don't attack the enemy or go for cyber hearts. They'll go back to normal if you destroy the helmet.

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