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Boomerang has gone bad!

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Guest razib_mahamud

Since last year in October, the channel has been showing two live-action shows: The Munsters and The Addams Family. Isn't Boomerang supposed to show classic animation shows like Looney Tunes, The Flintstones and Yogi Bear? I was even more surprised that they showed Hole in the Wall, since at the beginning of last year. Anyways, After October 31, Boomerang, or should I say Loserang have gone completely insane, instead of showing classic cartoons, they show SOME classic cartoons and non-classic cartoons such as The Secret Saturdays, Teen Titans, Ben 10, The Mr. Men Show and the girlish show of all, Puppy in My Pocket. Starting on January 2, they only classic cartoons they show now is The Flintstones, The Jetsons, Scooby-Doo Dexter's Laboratory Tom and Jerry, The Smurfs, Popeye, The Powerpuff Girls, Johnny Bravo, The Snorks, Wacky Races, Cow and Chicken, Yogi Bear, Pink Panther, Captain Planet and I Am Weasel. 16 classics and they show some of them in a some sort of marathon every day. They don't need to show PPG and Dexter 4 times a day on the weekends. Heck, they should air a two-hour Cartoon Cartoon-style block every day from 9PM-11PM, just like last year in the summer, you know what I'm saying.


Can't they put The Flintstones and The Jetsons two times a day. since they have a lot of episodes, especially The Flintstones. Same with The Smurfs. And put PPG, Dexter, Chicken and Johnny on that two-hour Cartoon Cartoon-oriented nightly block from 9PM to 11PM, every night. Maybe an another repeat of the popular Dexter and PPG either late nights (after 11PM) or in the middle of the day (probably 2PM or 3PM is the best rerun slot). And get rid of Secert Saturdays, that show is not even 5 years old, I suggest it should be back on Cartoon Network not Boomerang. Puppy in my Pocket should be on The Hub, not Boomerang, and it is the youngest show on Boomerang, so go away Puppy in my Pocket, you don't belong to Boomerang.


At least, they got rid of all of the live-action, except for Banana Splits, since it's produced by Hanna Barbera


What I want to see on Boomerang is more classic cartoons, including Looney Tunes and less non-classic cartoons. Even Ed, Edd n Eddy should be on Boomerang because it's been more than 10 years since it's debut. Plus, viewers want to see other classic cartoons like the Mumby Cartoon Show, Gumby, The Bugs Bunny Show and The Alvin Show. Not only that, we want to see older Canadian shows, Turner hasn't picked up like Ned's Newt and For Better or For Worse.


And one more thing, Boomerang should reboot its bumpers and its promos. It's getting old and it's unless. And stop puting Wacky Races and Penelope Pitstop at the same timeslot, which is 8AM and 8:30AM.


So what's next, puting Almost Naked Animals on Boomerang?


I gotta say, as of right now, Cartoon Network is better than Boomerang while Boomerang is not better than Cartoon Network. CN is returning some of its older favorites like The Flintsones and Chowder.


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