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i was searching threw the internet looking for revolution news and as to no suprse their was no new news :cry: ,


anyways i read an old article about rev and the writter was stating how if the developers must make totaly unique games around the controler or it would flop.kept comparing it to the ds wile i was reading this something just struk me the reason why ds has so many un original games not properly based round the touchscreen is because their is a safe bet round that ds has all the buttons u need so developers prefer to just take the safe bet but where as the revolution controler their is no way to get around it theirs not enough buttons to implement the desighn of todays games developers have to use the unique control method because thats the only control method they got which will make every game a brand new experience shure their might still be multi platform and sequels games but the new control scheme will make it seem so fresh and enjoyable :grin::yay::):D


You forgot about the shell. I think most multi platform games will use the shell instead of converting the controls to be able to use the remote controller, but I highly doubt we will see any fps (even multiplatform) that won't use the remote.

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