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Baby Oisín's Baptism


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Just thought I'd share some pics we of Oisín's baptism that was yesterday.

I'm actually not big into the religion thing myself, but Joy (and most my family are) so it wasn't really a choice :heh:.


Was an excuse for a party though and I got to look awesome all suited in an unmistakenly upward direction :D


Me and Joy with Oisín before going to the church



Getting the Water on his head... he slept through the whole thing, was surprised by that. Was expecting the water to wake him up.



With the Godparents... 3 Godfaters, 3 Godmothers... it's a Filipino thing, rather than just being normal and having 1 of each they tend to have many of each. We comprimised at 3 of each so we could have a few extra but not too many.



With the Priest afterwards



With my parents (of course Joy's are in the Philippines so couldn't be there... we're going to visit there for a holiday soon anyway)



This is me with two of my friends from school. One the right is my friend who was also one of the godfathers. The guy on the left was actually a godfather at another families baptism that was at the same time as ours. I haven't seen him in like 10 years or something. Almost didn't recognise him at the church when I saw him. On of those double take looks and thinking in the back of my head "I know that guy don't I"



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