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Enabled 4 Gaming is LIVE (sort of)


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Ok so here's my new blog I'm working on:




(premanent .com address is coming soon)


Here is some fluff from the site about what the sites about to save me repeating myself:


Enabled 4 Gaming is here!

May 19, 2010 by Adam Ducker Leave a Comment (Edit)


■After months of planning and dithering I am finally able to reveal Enabled 4 Gaming!

■Enabled 4 Gaming is a website aiming to review and analyse how games are enabled for all to player no matter what your ability/ possible disabilities. Along with this I also intend for the website to look at new accessible technology that opens up new avenues of interaction both in gaming and everyday life.

■There are many features and article types I hope to bring to you in the upcoming months ranging from reviews of games from an accessibility point of view, hardware video reviews and editorials speaking around subject matters relating to this.

■The site is for the most part going to work on a monthly basis. With me working towards a set deadline each month to get content out there. This somewhat fits in with my work schedule and allows me to finish articles to a higher quality rather than having to rush to rattle out an article a day. However hopefully as the site expands and with there already being the possibility of other people joining the ranks as writers, with any luck the amount of regular content will increase.

■I hope to get at least one guest editorial a month which will hopefully encompass a range of differing subject matter as well as tackle the issues raised on this site but from an alternative standpoint. The first months is already pretty much confirmed and very very excited about it.

■For more about the website and about me please check out the About page and please check back for updates. Please also subscribe to me on twitter at https://twitter.com/flameboy84 which will update everytime an article is posted here as well as other random titbits.


And more stuff about myself:


Enabled 4 Gaming is run by me! I’m Adam Ducker I work as a Pre Vocational Instructor at Henshaws College for the Visually Impaired in Harrogate, Yorkshire. More about the Henshaws Society as a whole and the work they do can be found at http://www.henshaws.org.uk/


Through my work at Henshaws College I have come to be interested in the ways in which technology can be used to assist people with disabilities to access facilities, resources, opportunities and technology that may not have otherwise been there for them. This has motivated me to create this site and provide content that reflects these interests and hopefully provide a useful service to people considering buying such products.


The name aims to be impowering and display how everyone can be enabled to game no matter what! It’s about promoting that mindset amongst the industry, the press and most importantly the consumer.


The views displayed on Enabled 4 Gaming are in no way endorsed, sponsored or associated with my employers Henshaws Society. They are used on this about page merely as a reference point as to why the web site came to exist. Enabled 4 Gaming is a separate and independent entity that is in no way funded by any outside party.


Like I said in the title this is sort of LIVE its a soft launch and I've been through several redesigns etc...already. I had hoped to have more content up by this time but its not happened due to a mental end of term at work. However got some good guest editorials coming up and plenty of ideas for both written features and video featues.

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