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E3 2010 Nintendo Conference


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Yep, I watched it. Here's some quotes (although I cant remember word for word).


Daemon Hatfield mentioned he thought Nintendo's conference was the weakest.


Craig Harris looked like he wanted to murder everyone for not agreeing with him that Nintendo owned.


Microsoft IGN representative said he thought Microsoft showed some of the best games, but then said he thought the 3rd party showings were the best, and that they could all appreciate them ("except for your lot, Craig").


Someone mentioned they were concerned that Move (unlike Kinect) would make them look stupid. Craig mentioned that it was just like the Wii, and you didn't have to look stupid playing the Wii.


Craig said Nintendo cleaned the table. Sony dude admitted Nintendo had a pretty swell showing.


Daemon Hatfield looked at the wrong camera to say "You, the viewer are the winner."


In summary, do yourself a favour and smash your head against a break wall for 6 and a half minutes. I guarantee it will be significantly more rewarding than watching this dribble.

Edited by LostOverThere
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Engadget's E3 winner is Microsoft. O_o


Microsoft: The folks in Redmond led the way with an intro launch party featuring a custom performance from Cirque de Soleil. That was just to warm things up -- when it came to actual announcements, Microsoft took a two-tiered approach. On one hand it's building on the success of long established titles like Gears of War, Fable and of course, Halo. On the other it's taking the time to re-boot the Xbox 360 with Kinect, which brings controller-free gaming to the platform, as well as adding voice and gesture controls. I think Kinect is a major leap forward in the gaming experience that will appeal to both mainstream and casual gamers. With a streamlined new Xbox 360 and an impressive set of launch titles debuting alongside, Kinect is more akin to a console launch than a peripheral. Overall, I'd say Microsoft is in the lead post-E3 and very well positioned for holiday.
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