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Does Size Matter?... How Big Is Too Big?


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these photos are from a time when my tv did have 70% sharpness, now its at arround 40% and its mutch better. Also these photo's where taken by a crappycam.


Also from a sidenote, i see that you play/played monsterhunter 3.

1. Is it any good in terms of controlls.

2. And are the graphics really what you would call mindblowing (in wii terms:P)

3. I also heard about the thing when your fighting monsters and you walk to far you will get a loading screen (for the next peace of area) and that the monsters disapear. Is that true?

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these photos are from a time when my tv did have 70% sharpness, now its at arround 40% and its mutch better. Also these photo's where taken by a crappycam.
The Sharp I posted was at 8 out of 10 possible degrees in the sharpness bar, that's more than your TV was at. ;)


Trust me, the upscale difference is really big, between a sharp/panasonic (if they didn't butcher their entry points meanwhile) and a samsung. Samsungs of course tend to be cheaper so to each one it's own, but you get what you pay for.

Also from a sidenote, i see that you play/played monsterhunter 3.

1. Is it any good in terms of controlls.

2. And are the graphics really what you would call mindblowing (in wii terms:P)

3. I also heard about the thing when your fighting monsters and you walk to far you will get a loading screen (for the next peace of area) and that the monsters disapear. Is that true?

The Panasonic running MH3 is not mine, it's from a friend, I can't comment on the gameplay due to that... I haven't played, only seen it being played. I saw it being played with a classic controller, seemed really unchanged in that sense, next to other MH's.


Suffices to say that immediately after seeing it I ordered it MHG+MH3 demo, hopefully it gets to my house before saturday so I can try it myself.


The graphics were mindblowing, yes. looks really good and almost has no aliasing, the only way I managed to notice it in that TV was if I looked straight at the character's sword and tried to see it, really. I won't say it'll be like that everywhere though, will depend on the TV.


Where I've seen it... Could pass for a 720p game when it comes to the degree of detail it suggests. Lightning is completly next gen too.


Dead monsters disappear, after you take the stuff from them (bones, flesh, etc to make weapons) it also happens on Monster Hunter MMORPG on the PC. And loading screen exist yeah, but the thing is... they're overblowing it. Loading takes at most 2 seconds, and instead of a black screen fading in and out you have a loading screen. It has a psychological effect... sure, but if they had a black screen instead no one would be complaining about that. I'd class it as twilight princess loading range, and the way the areas work is also similar.


there were videos with dudes entering and coming out several times at those points as if they were lost, of course it wouldn't stop appearing... Providing they aren't doing that though... The areas are MASSIVE, the draw distance is really amazing.

Edited by pedrocasilva
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The Panasonic NeoPDP screens are really good. Supposedly almost like using a PS3 for DVD.


i personally think that samsung at this point has the best SD scaler chip (for normal price tv's, not the 1700 euro tv's that often are not better than the cheaper ones)


Are you high? Even their best tv have awful processing.

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pedrocasilva, didn't you read the terms of use for those MH3 pics?? :santa:


marcel, the gameplay is awesome... miles from the nightmare in PSP (honestly only played it about an hour, but while on the Wii it was pick up and play, on the PSP...). It's very very good in every way ;) It's like being in a real ecosystem, with different species acting differently to your presence or moves. Really awesome :)







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Just a thought, but have you considered an LED TV, David? I don't know what the upscaling is like, but I saw one running a CGI film the other day and it's the first TV screen I've ever seen that I could describe as "flawless".


OK, you have to sacrifice size, but it seemed worth it to me. I can't guarantee you won't stroke it though! ;)

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Just a thought, but have you considered an LED TV, David?


No, i wouldn't. Not as a main TV. While i'm not sure of the upscaling features (specifically for Wii), i've done a fair bit of research and don't think the LCD tech is there- to coin a phrase i read, you just get more bang for your buck with Plasma.


*EDIT* I read your post as LCD. I'm so used to having debates with a mate who thinks LCD is better tech, i read most things as LCD. So to answer your question... No, i've never considered, but will look into it, actually.


The Panasonic NeoPDP screens are really good. Supposedly almost like using a PS3 for DVD.


And they do a 64" model (at £3, 500, mind you). Fuck, yeah... I'll end up with no living room, and no chance of sitting in their either (i'll be in the dog house).

Edited by david.dakota
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Consider the 42" G10 neoPDP. You can get it for under £1000 at worst with extended warranty. Last i heard. 50" for 1200. I think you got mixed up with the Z1 which is the flagship.


Its very good at handling SD and 720p to display in 1080p. One of the best.


Technically if you have a 1080p screen, everything you view is in 1080p no matter what because PDP and LCD are both fixed pixel screens. Let the tv deal with it. Dont bother with upscaling products that will waste your money unless they are properly proven.


Just a thought, but have you considered an LED TV, David? I don't know what the upscaling is like, but I saw one running a CGI film the other day and it's the first TV screen I've ever seen that I could describe as "flawless".


OK, you have to sacrifice size, but it seemed worth it to me. I can't guarantee you won't stroke it though! ;)


LED screens are LCD screens with LED lighting. The new Samsung LED LCD stuff is terrible if thats what you are referring to. Sony are much better at it as they are the ones who pioneered the tech for many years anyway.


Judging tv's at shops for Picture is a no no. You pretty much cant.

Edited by Choze
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LED screens are LCD screens with LED lighting. The new Samsung LED LCD stuff is terrible if thats what you are referring to. Sony are much better at it as they are the ones who pioneered the tech for many years anyway.


Judging tv's at shops for Picture is a no no. You pretty much cant.


Yes, it was a Samsung. I thought it was amazing. Obviously I wouldn't buy one without looking into it, but I thought it was worth consideration.

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Yes, it was a Samsung. I thought it was amazing. Obviously I wouldn't buy one without looking into it, but I thought it was worth consideration.


Not very good. For example if you like games or movies out of 1080p pixels it manages just 300 lines in game mode. The neopdp G10 (far far cheaper) manages 1080 lines in the same test.


There are other issues like the backlight being dynamic. Which means its changes on the fly per scene. But you need to keep this on for the processing effects. Way too many issues. Especially for the price. If you want a good tv that is. As a piece of expensive decoration its nice i guess but it will devalue very fast :p

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The Panasonic NeoPDP screens are really good. Supposedly almost like using a PS3 for DVD.


Just had a test run at SMC, a local independent, the G10 50". Bluray looked astonishing, really vivid, and blacks so very, very black- Night in the Museum, which showed off the rich colour, brilliant black and some really sharp whites . DVD on a bluray player didn't look too bad either, obviously not up their with the bluray but impressive none-the-less. The DVD suffered slight blockiness, mainly in the misty early scenes in Philosophers' Stone, but livable- it did seem to hold together CG stuff better. The chap's happy for me to take the Wii though, just to make sure. Just need a component cable, which they don't have.

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Just had a test run at SMC, a local independent, the G10 50". Bluray looked astonishing, really vivid, and blacks so very, very black- Night in the Museum, which showed off the rich colour, brilliant black and some really sharp whites . DVD on a bluray player didn't look too bad either, obviously not up their with the bluray but impressive none-the-less. The DVD suffered slight blockiness, mainly in the misty early scenes in Philosophers' Stone, but livable- it did seem to hold together CG stuff better. The chap's happy for me to take the Wii though, just to make sure. Just need a component cable, which they don't have.


You should have told them to run a standard DVd player via component to see how the Tv handles the PQ. The G10 is better than most Blu Ray players at the job. For reference its not too far from the PS3 which means it should be fantastic for Wii and DVD in progressive scan. :) I'll test it soon too but my tv still getting pushed back. Bear in mind G10 i think has trouble with SD interlacing(not sure) but in progressive its not a worry.

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