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Love - Gameplay Video


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I tried this a few days back, I find it confusing, frustrating and rather disorientating.


The graphical effects, while nice in theory, make the game rather difficult to play (for me at least) since a lot of the world comes off looking very similar, you have to rely on a "compass" to point you in the direction of settlements and to your respawn point which is quite annoying due to the lack of any form of overhead map.

Climbing down a cliff is one of the worst things you can possibly do, getting down is easy, getting up is nearly impossible, at the bottom of cliffs is usually water, a lot of water and going under water without the swimming ability is guaranteed death, and trust me its hard to avoid going under.


The tools aren't very well documented, apart from telling you how to assign a tool, the descriptions on what they do are rather vague at best.


Overall, concept is nice but I think I'm going to wait until its been further developed before giving it another go.

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