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Deathly Hallows Question (major spoilers)


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And Jav, Harry didn't need the Phoenix Wand. As mentioned by Dumbledore, the magical connection between Harry and Voldemort goes beyond that of their wands, beyond any magic ever before. They have a piece of each other in themselves, so it doesn't matter if they use the twin wands or not. Draco's old wand recognises Harry as its master and so the connection works with it, too.


I know that, but i also remeber Dumbledore saying how he wasn't sure why Harry's wand acted against Voldemort during their escape from Privet Drive. He said some of Voldemorts power was blasted into the Phoenix Wand, which is why it reacted and fired back at Voldermot without Harry's help.


I was just thinking that if the Hallows didn't make Harry immortal, and if Voldemort didn't use the Elder Wand, the only protection Harry had in theory is the blood tie, but Dumbledore said himself that that might not have been enough by suggesting that Harry's sacrifice was what made the difference. In that final battle, he isn't sacrificing, he his fighting, so that protection isn't there.


I guess i just like to think that Harry wasn't a sure win in that final confrontation, because it ruins it if that's the case.

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I know that, but i also remeber Dumbledore saying how he wasn't sure why Harry's wand acted against Voldemort during their escape from Privet Drive. He said some of Voldemorts power was blasted into the Phoenix Wand, which is why it reacted and fired back at Voldermot without Harry's help.


I was just thinking that if the Hallows didn't make Harry immortal, and if Voldemort didn't use the Elder Wand, the only protection Harry had in theory is the blood tie, but Dumbledore said himself that that might not have been enough by suggesting that Harry's sacrifice was what made the difference. In that final battle, he isn't sacrificing, he his fighting, so that protection isn't there.


I guess i just like to think that Harry wasn't a sure win in that final confrontation, because it ruins it if that's the case.


Volemort DID use the Elder Wand, so he couldn't have won. I don't remember the deal with the Phoenix Wand exactly, though.

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Yeah, i know he did. I'm just being a terrible geek and hypothesising =/


Ah, my bad. I didn't realise. :p


Technically, the Elder Wand was the only thing that was protecting Harry. But he was also a lot more confident. This is likely partially due to the fact he knew about the Elder Wand, but I like to believe that the fact that he accepted death and sacrificed himself prepared him mentally for the fight. Even with the Elder Wand out of the equation, I believe he stood a fair chance against Voldemort.

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