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advanced css advice

The Lillster

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I want to build a new website, in the past i've used photoshop to design the site, then cut it up into tables.


However tables are not very good for design purposes and css is a good alternative.


But I don't have much experiance with css especially using it to design more elegant looking websites.


So if anyone has a link to a forum or website which deals with this kind of thing please tell me and also of any good books on this subject.



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CSS is certainly an excellent way to code websites. Currently a combination of XHTML and CSS are still the norm for making smart and efficient websites. I would summarise CSS as this: instead of giving variables to all your tables, fonts, divs... everything, you simply point them all to a .css file, which contains all the information on sizes, colours, backgrounds, link types, etc etc.


but CSS is not difficult to learn at all. I would start at http://www.w3schools.com/Css/default.asp - find some free webspace and practice :) practicing is the easiest way to figure out how what you're coding is working.


Alternatively a coding program like dreamweaver can do it all for you ;)

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