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Are you nice enough to help my disseration?


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Pretty basic, I have a dissertation due in 3 and a half weeks, I planned to crack down getting participants so I have them all by wednesday after this one, and the more I have the merrier! I'm asking any and all of you guys to help me out, I know some of you were awesome enough to do the same last year for my miniproject too.


It's pretty basic, just four(more like cos 2 are real short) questionnaires for a study looking at luck, personality, risk taking/impusivity and superstition. For those that did help out last year, it looks incredibly familiar because I've got the same two questionnaires plus two more basically. Unfortunately, due to ethics and whatnot, I neither have nor am I allowed to use the data from my miniproject, cos I got rid of it for the ethics reason. But yeah, basically, please take 5-10 minutes out of your time to help me and I'd really appreciate it!


One part is the consent form(there's two files as I have to keep this seperate), it's again part of the ethics. In reality, I shouldnt test people under 18, but I'm not gonna care. You don't need to put your name really, but age and gender is important cos I might factor them into the analysis. The only thing I'd use your name for is to get your participant number and cross reference it to your questionnaires if you suddenly decided you didn't want me using your data, so you can just put initials there or something. Never mind the signature, that's just a formality for when it's on actual paper.

If you do do them, don't worry about formatting and whatnot if it goes out of whack, just email them to [email protected] with 'Questionnaire' or something similar in the title.

If you want also, I can give you a measure of your personality on the 5 factors(Openness, Conscientiousness, Extroversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism) of the personality measure too, just as an added incentive lol(some people like to know). I'd have to mark the questionnaire knowing it was yours.


Consent Form



Couldn't find a good host for a direct link, but it's only one extra click :) Thanks again to anyone who does it!

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