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Knight Rider (2008)


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With the recent trend of making a thread per movie I thought I'd dare to start one as well since Knight Rider is probably one of the most famous 80s shows or TV shows in general.

The Pilot episode aired on Sunday and although I don't agree with quite a few things the Pilot left me craving for more.


I don't really like the new car but at the same time find him to be pretty awesome.

I also find the idea of a scientist creating KITT at home a bit :indeed:

And I think Knight Rider is a classic and should be left at that.


But on the other hand I feel they managed it pretty well to make it feel old school and yet blending in new elements so everything is up to date and still has the charm of the 80s show.

I'm also for some reason a bit sceptical about the main character, Mike, because he has to be as good or better than the Hoff to be accepted. I think that he's able to do that though. He doesn't look like the Hoff obviously but his body language has Michael Knight written all over it.


So in the end I really liked what they did there. And with an appearance of the Hoff at the end I finally got convinced they wouldn't piss all over the first Knight Rider.


Anyone else seen it? Any thoughts of those who have/haven't seen it?

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