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*Random swearing*


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A pointless thread, but still, it's given me a lot of random swearing moments when a great song sounds really harsh in places.


Right, this has bugged me for ages and I have no idea if it's me or just how it sounds in the first place.


When listening to music, whether it be on my iPod or Hifi, on sounds with an s or a t in I get a sort of "ssss" or "ssstt", like the word "else" sounds like "elssss" or words ending in t have a litte sharp sound after them. I know it's how some people speak, ie the sound on the end of their tongue does it, like it does with me when I say "wizards".


I know some songs have the little sound at the end of words like that edited out (because the words end and there's no little "tsss" after them) so why not all?)


Anyway, it bugs me because it distracts me from the music. So, is it just me, my music going wierd, or just the way the girl/guy is singing?

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