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Wanted: Tablet - cheap


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I was wondering if anyone had any old graphic tablet's lying around that they didn't want to use anymore. I need a cheap-as-chips (don't hurt me) tablet for not a whole lot, some scribbles but an old one will do. I'm only willing to pay around £15, as that's how much I could get a cheap one form eBay.


I have good feedback here, and would pay preferrably through PayPal, but also through postal cash.



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hey sarka! i have an old usb tablet you might be interested in ~ it's somewhere between A4 and A3 in size... £10 including postage?

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hey sarka! i have an old usb tablet you might be interested in ~ it's somewhere between A4 and A3 in size... £10 including postage?


That sounds like a huge tablet. O.o

What kind is it? (nah not interested in buying it, just interested in general)


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...no im just kidding - it's a supermarket jobby - was about £50 new, so nothing very fancy, but served me very well all through my uni course ^__^

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