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Wtf is this eastern crap in my startup?


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I forget why, but the other day I was in the system config for some reason, and I came across this sitting at the bottom. I have absolutely no idea what it is, and I've got no idea what it says or what it could be. Anyone know what I can do about it?



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Haha, a good question, I couldn't work out any way to find out, due to everything in the entry being written in whatever it is, I can't read it or figure out any way to try searching for it.

I guess I should have mentioned that I'm running Vista, if it helps at all.

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You mean the bit under location? There's a registry reference, but no file location reference as far as I can find. For everything else in there, the file location is under 'Command' but of course in this case, it's all silly asian. The registry reference is HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run . After a few long hours digging around on tinternets, I've caught a few hints that it might be something Acer related(tis an Acer laptop), and I tried running a hijackthis scan and couldn't find anything asian looking, so I dunno what to do. Gonna try and ask some people with acers and see...

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