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Hi everyone, just thinning out my games collection a bit. Want these games to go to good homes so I thought i'd offer them to you fine folks first before putting them on eBay (in which case, i'll do free p&p to any N-E forumites). Couple of rare-ish games in there so hope there's something that takes your fancy!


All games are in good to mint condition, with instructions unless stated. Prices include any p&p, first class delivery. Tried to be fair with prices, open to any offers. I am looking for Phoenix Wright, Yoshi's Island and Elite Beat Agents on DS if you want to trade/part-ex.




New Super Mario Bros (US) - £15




Final Fantasy Tactics (no box or instructions)

Might throw this in as a freebiie if anyone is nice enough to buy multiple games off me!




Worms: Open Warfare 2 - £5

(Review copy hence low price, comes in plastic wallet, no instructions)




Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes (PAL) £15

Pikmin (NTSC) £5




Thanks for reading! :)

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