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Aigo A215 MP3 player connection troubles


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I love my MP3 player, apart from when it's being a pain... Like now.


I try to connect it to my PC through the USB slot, but the computer never recognises it! I assume it's because of its wierd shape and the angle of my USB, but the computer always recognized it before.

But now, it doesn't even bother trying to find it! It's really making me want to stamp on it. I tried changing the battery, but nothing happened, it's still just sitting there.


What should I do?

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Ok I once had a problem when my laptop wouldn't notice my usb sticks, so I'm hoping this solution will help you out like it worked for me. If you have admin capabilities, go into control panel. Select 'administrative tools' and locate component management. Expand the 'storage' tree and click disk' management'. All connected drives should appear including your missing mp3 player. Then just double click it to get into the drive. If that doesn't fix your problem then I don't know what will.

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