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Screen tearing. Tech issue, or time for a new TFT?


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I got a Samsung SyncMaster SM204BW 20" a few months ago, and I can now safely say that I'm not too pleased with it.


I don't know if it's just a technical issue with my monitor, but I'm starting to notice horrible screen tearing (especially in games such as TF2 and Bioshock), and turning on v-snyc results too much of a performance hit. Is this just a tech problem? I'm just wondering, because I've read many good reviews for it, and they don't mention this.


If not, then methinks I'll get a new TFT after Christmas. I'm looking for one that's over 20", has a good refresh rate and will allow me to play my 360 in HD (it's not an Elite, so I can't use HDMI. Will that be a problem?) I'm hoping for sub £200 one, although that's wishful thinking, so I don't mind too much if it's over that. Anyone got any ideas? Thanks if anyone can help...


Oh, and is it just me that thinks we need an official TFT thread in tech talk? :heh:

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V-Sync is supposed to do a 'proformance hit' it limits the Frame rate to whatever hz your TV/monitor is. Hense it sticks at 30 or 60fps.


Its nothing to do with your monitor, trust me.

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I had turned on Triple Buffering in the GFX control pannel, but hadn't forced V-sync on through it. I did this, and the results are great!


TF2 now plays at a stable 59-60fps, whilst Bioshock goes from 35-50fps, but mainly stays in the high 40's-50's. Though Bioshock did go at 29 for a brief second at one point.


I feel like an idiot now though, lol. :red: But thanks for the help everyone! ^^

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