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The end of Wii.tv??????


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Hmmm things not looking so good at wii.tv right now. The infamous Billy the kid is leaving - he was the voice of wii.tv and I'm personally gutted. I dunno how many of you out there checked their site out but I personally really enjoyed the site and really liked their podcasts!


I'm assuming R3Y will keep the site going but this is a major blow to them. There will be a final podcast with Billy the Kid in the next few days which will help explain the situation more.


There is a message on the site at the moment which says:


After careful consideration, and after wrestling with the decision for several days, The Infamous Billy the Kidd is leaving Wii.TV. Due to creative differences and a strong basic disagreement about the future of the site and all of its content, The Kidd will be moving onto other ventures in order to keep doing what he does best, which is, frankly, to just be infamous.


It has been very frustrating over the past few weeks, and it has really taken a stressful toll, in trying to battle over what the website could be and should be. And, as a result of giving you all the best I have to offer in terms of my material, my ideas, my thoughts, my opinions, just my very nature, a standard has been reached and achieved for myself and that which surrounds me. I have been able to set a high bar for myself as far as what I expect, and anything less than that is unacceptable. With the inability to maintain that level of excellence within the site on a consistent basis, it was becoming increasingly difficult to stay and be hopeful. Over the past couple of weeks, that optimism has really disappeared when it became clear that what I was expecting could not be delivered to you, our fans, in the way you deserve. And it was unacceptable for me to continue attaching my name onto something that was subpar and lacking in time, in effort, in overall desire.


While it may have not always been clear, The Kidd very much appreciates the rabid fan base that you have become, and the support you have given us since we launched with The Kidd Vs. Wii Sports. It means a lot to know how crazed some of you were when it came to wanting updates or podcasts or reply comments or answers to your e-mail. And it also lets me know that, while this is a tough decision, it is the right one. How can we turn our backs on a console that is selling millions upon millions of units, with a constantly growing fan population, that could only lead to a brighter future for Wii.TV? Because we fucked up, and we lost track of what we were trying to do in the first place. Could there have easily been big bucks on the horizon for us, in doing this? Perhaps. Might we have just continued doing this, because it was one helluva good time? Quite possible. But we lost track of just being fans with a voice, who spoke out to other fans, and got people excited and pissed and just enthusiastic any way you slice it for the Wii.


I would love to continue hearing from many of you in the future. Feel free to add me as a friend on MySpace at http://www.myspace.com/billythekidd469. Just please send me a message along with your friend request, so I know that Wii.TV is where you discovered The Kidd. Also, feel free to drop me e-mail at [email protected]. I will be more than happy to keep answering whatever questions you may have for me in the future. I have been in contact with Monki over at http://www.aintitcool.com, who has encouraged me to write a bit for his gaming column, so keep an eye out for that, as it is a distinct possibility in the very near future. I will not let this departure hamper who I am or what I do, and I will still try to make my voice present throughout the world, with the power of the internet.


In leaving, I feel that I owe you, the fans, one final goodbye, so there is a final episode of Wii Radio in the planning stages to happen sometime over the next couple of days. Therefore, this is your last chance to pick my brain on the air. You can continue to ask R3Y whatever it is you have on your mind. Also, think up whatever questions you have for The Kidd. Only 1 question will be chosen to be answered on the show. All other questions may receive a written response through e-mail. Please send whatever you have to me at [email protected], and it will all be sorted out for the final podcast. You deserve one last show, so, after wrestling with the decision of whether or not to do one, I am committed to giving you what you are owed.


It has been my pleasure working with such talented individuals, and I wish this time hadn’t come so soon. I always felt we were on the path to something great here, but sometimes your opinions just don’t match up with everyone else’s. I thank you all for your dedication to Wii.TV and Wii Radio, and I thank you for letting us into your worlds as we helped you all get a bit Wii-Tarded.


Have a pleasant immediate future.


“Don’t just be famous… be INFAMOUS.â€

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The "kidd" wasnt to my tastes really .... so wont be missed. the site seemed to get early access to a few games which was the only reason for checking them. But really, they needed a creative overhall. A more sincere personality fronting it would definately be better. There are much better videos out there.

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