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My internet is really slow...


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And has been for about a week now. Even with no downloads running or anything, its going really really slowly on all my computers. I've reset the router a few times and that gets it going again, but only for an hour at the most then it goes again.


I'm on Pipex - they seem to have changed their packages so I don't know which one - 2MB unlimited...


Any ideas?

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First, I would run a direct connection to the router for a bit to see if the problem is 100% modem associated. This is more or less so you can tell your ISP : "Look, I did - yada bla bla bla" , the problem is the service as of current. You could also run a firmware update check for the heck of it. (Believe it or not, it fixed a router that became "screwy" for me once)





The tools have servers in the US only unfortunately, but smoking might be nice to monitor for packet loss. You should probably ring your ISP and have them run a check of the line from their end and do a monitor for the day. If they don't have that technology, I would stare blankly at the phone, scream the name of some random object on your desk, and proceed to get a new ISP.

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