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Darwiin (the mac wii-mote driver)


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alright now there is a wii-mote driver for the mac called Darwiin unfortunatly at the moment it only suports apple remote mode so only usful if you use keynote or powerpoint.


but the guy says that soon mouse mode will be enabled.


(and you dont need the infrared sensor on your computer to make it work (for remot mode anyway.) and you could probably make your own sensor bar for mouse mode when its enabled if you dont have the sensor. but now al you need is a mac that can use bluetooth)



sorry if its already been posted. :)


edit: heres the site. http://blog.hiroaki.jp/2006/12/000433.html

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This is the same for windows pc's http://wiihacks.blogspot.com/2006/12/howto-use-wii-mote-in-windows-as-your.html

here's a video of a guy playing half-life 2 with the wiimote.


And for macs the mouse functionality has apparently been done


Nice info on the subjects: http://www.wiili.org


Edit: I wonder if there'll be homebrew games made for the PC/mac that uses the wiimote. From the videos I've seen it's pretty easy to get the wiimote to work with your PC/mac. Basically you just need a bluetooth adapter to use the wiimote. No need for any adapters and such which you'd need to use NES/SNES/N64/GC controllers on the pc.

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