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Frag Grimes

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Posts posted by Frag Grimes

  1. @Frag Grimes, this is the thread you're looking for!


    cheers pal, did search for 'wwe' but it said there was nothing about!


    Didn't see Survivor Series, but i'm fine with what they did with the world title. I don't think Sheamus is anyone's ideal champion but they had to cash in his MITB at some point and now with so many stars missing it was probably the best time to do it, the big creative push with the big stars will probably begin with the Royal Rumble leading to Wrestlemania. for all the talk of WWE doing the safe option I think putting the belt on Sheamus of all people is anything but. "Anyone but Reigns" people said, this is what you get, be careful what you wish for.


    I've no problem with Reigns myself, nor do I really get the hate he gets from some people. His match with Cesaro the other week on Raw was fantastic, shame Cesaro is injured also.


    I actually think Sheamus is a really safe option, he's literally there to take the fall for the next champion, and even then asides from the casual fans backing Reigns, most will cheer Sheamus over Reigns. I don't mind him at all, Sheamus can be a great worker, he's not amazing in ring or on the mic, but he's still miles ahead of Reigns. I'm not an absolute Reigns hater, I don't think he's particularly good, but he has improved a lot the past few months, but his best two matches (Daniel Bryan, Cesaro) were him being carried pretty much the entire time. The match with Cesaro especially, it was obvious at times that he was really struggling to keep up with him, even early on. It's good having top workers have decent ring-time with Reigns as he'll keep learning and keep improving, but despite that, he's going to continue getting rejected if WWE continue to push him down everyones throats, and giving him mic time really isn't helping.


    The injury thing is a huge shame, but it's partly WWE's own fault for pushing the whole "there can only be one top guy" thing they've continued to do for too long. I'm not too big on Ambrose either, but they had a naturally over superstar who they could've pulled the trigger on a more than once and made him one of the very top stars, but they're far too hesitant to even do that because the spot is already reserved whether we like it or not, and it's such a big shame. Sami Zayn is on his way back within the next month and Rusev is already back, so they've got a few back-ups, but having most of the big names out really isn't helping at all.




    In other injury/wrestling news, I don't know if anyone watches puroresu, but AJ Styles is reported to be injured... which might mean the Nakamura/Styles match for NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 10 is questionable right now. Really hoping it's not serious and it can go ahead, because this could be a fantastic match.

  2. hiya, i figured i'd make a thread to see if there are any fans of wwe/pro wrestling here. has anyone caught your eye? seen an amazing match recently? want to moan about roman reigns? feel free to post your wrestling-related comments here! probably don't bother if the only thing you've got to say is "wrestling is fake" (no shit).


    survivor series was a bit bland, and it's a shame as wwe really had the chance to step up and do something interesting amidst all of the injuries and lack of star power, but they decided to continue on auto-pilot in typical wwe style. saying this, i don't actually have any problems with sheamus as the champion for the moment, he's really good when he's not going through the motions. what did you think of survivor series, and where do you think wwe will go from here?


    mods: i used the search function and wasn't able to find a wwe/pro wrestling thread, so feel free to delete this if there's already an existing thread. :-)

  3. hiya, i'm rummy's friend/psychick-youth (for those who i did some of the raid with the other week). just thought i'd pop in and say hi and that'll be somewhat active in this thread.

  4. Got ATP's I'll Be Your Mirror 2012 in about 2 weeks or so. Really gutted that Death Grips have pulled out due to cancelling their current tour to work on their next LP, but still really looking forward to seeing Wolves in the Throne Room, Sleep, Slayer, Melvins, Mogwai, Chavez, Archers of Loaf and Codeine.


    Sunn O))) + Nurse With Wound in July is going to be awesome, and then I've got both of Radiohead's shows at the O2 Area in October. Excited.

  5. Sorry guys, I've had a really busy few days since Thursday, and I've just got back to Uni this weekend too.


    Since I've not been able to post, I'll let you know that my powers are roleblock & proctect. I've used my power once, but it was unsuccessful - my target was @Rummy.


    I'll try to catch up on this tomorrow afternoon after I've finished my filming.

  6. @Frag Grimes can you reveal your power or your weather? Who did you target last night?


    My power boosts the power of the person I've targeted. I targeted you, but I was swept away by a mighty wind, and got redirected.


    Vote: heroicjanitor


    EDIT: Sorry, didn't realise you wanted the weather too. I'm lightning, revealed this a little earlier in the game.

  7. The new Death Grips LP, The Money Store, is fantastic. It was uploaded to Soundcloud earlier in the week, and I've listened to it enough times to know that it's currently my favourite album that I've heard this year.


    I was a big fan of ExMilitary, their first LP, which came out last year and also happened to be one of my top 5 albums of 2011. So glad I pre-ordered The Money Store on vinyl.


    Is this part of your role? Does it make sense? Some kind of vortex, or whirlpool/tornado?


    Nope, I have no idea why I have the voodoo vote. I simply went back a page and looked compared the votes without me and with me.

  9. I've voted Nintendohnut because I've found it suspicious that he was pleading not to be voted for. I understand that people would be annoyed if this happened to them, but the pleading just smells of desperation. I was reluctant to vote, and I'm not 100% sure that he's mafia, but I'm leaning towards that more than I am with him being either neutral or town.

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