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Posts posted by gothic_hobbit

  1. My money is on it being 720p. In fact I just found out recently that some Xbox 1 games can do 720p. So for the Wii not to have had 720p as standard for certain key titles is a bit embarrassing and inexcusable imho. If the original Xbox can manage why not the Wii ?

  2. I can't wait for this wrestling game to come out.


    I know it's already out on the other formats but I'll be planning on getting the wii version on it's release date :)


    Anyone else looking to get this or are people still hooked on the smackdown series ?

  3. Don't you think the rest of Europe should be inclined to have a share? Don't think you're cool being like this...


    Maybe, but I have this feeling that it's Nintendo artificially limiting the numbers to make the game appear sold out.


    That's what happened with the likes of Mario Galaxy during x-mas right ?

  4. Wait, why import the US version? Am I missing something here?


    1) To screw NOE over for limiting how many pal copies are available for the UK release date.


    2) To see how well the freeloader will hold up :)

  5. Silent Hill




    Not bad, although if you haven't played the game before a lot of the plot will seem confusing. The scene with Pyramid Head was the most disturbing. Influences ranging from Hellraiser to The Grudge can be seen in this movie.
