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Posts posted by theguyfromspark

  1. Sounds good, how do you power everything, does each speaker need it's own plug?


    Edit: Just done a quick google search, looks like they're discontinued! :(


    Second Edit: (Just in case people want to know) If you've got a VGA cable input for your Xbox 360 and want 5.1 sound also, you'll need to buy an optical cable. Look at the VGA cable where it inserts into the 360 and you'll see where you insert it.

  2. Hi guys,


    I want some nice 5.1 surround speakers for my living room, I want to plug in my TV, 360 and PS3 all at the same time. Wireless speaker thingys would be a bonus for minimal amount of wires everywhere.


    Secondly, as my Xbox is plugged in via VGA, would I just plug the sound cable into the speaker system and get 5.1 or would I need a different cable?

  3. Inspired by me eating a new flavour of ice cream yesterday, what have been your frozen dessert related stories and likes/dislikes?


    As I mentioned yesterday I picked up a new (I think) flavour of Ben & Jerry's Icecream called "Bohemian Raspberry" which I wasn't sure I would like but I bought it anyway.


    Fortunately it was really really nice! It's pretty much raspberry ripple ice cream with fudge bit scatterred in it, yummy!

  4. An evil warlord has plans to take over the world from his remote base, instead of the UN sending a coalition of thousands of soldiers from all over the world to this location and obliterate the place, they instead decide to send one guy with a pistol.

  5. I'm amazed a squirrel can get so fat, i mean, it's not as though some of them have jobs that involve them sitting on their arses all day like us lot. they're out running and climbing trees most of the day.

    But i suppose they do hibernate for winter... maybe this is just a pic of that squirrel carrying his "holiday weight" just after his re awakening.

  6. Give me one ice breaking, critical, super effective reason why Wii deserves all these sells.


    My Mum, Brother and Cousin both own a Wii. I play a few games with them whenever I see them. Neither have ever owned a console or requested to play games with me on any other platform, PC included. For me, the fact that the Wii has opened up the market, making it inclusive rather than exclusive justifies it's success. Because of the Wii, I can now enjoy my favourite past time with my favourite people.
