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Posts posted by 1UP

  1. Anyone know a place where I can buy cheap RAM? I'm looking for about 2 gigs,


    and I know with vista you can sue flash drives, but from what i've read up it's not really RAM, its more jsut for caching...

  2. No it wont. Look at Mario Galaxy, it looks really good. If effort is put into these games they will look decent. Games aren't going to look that much better than Gears of War, and the Wii couldn't really go anywhere but up graphically. So how is it in 3 years time the Wii will look crap?


    Haha, you know a Wii is just a souped up GC right? Mario Galaxy does look, but thats because of the all the effects to hide some of the raw stuff.

    How much better can the Wii graphics get? They're reaching the limit soon, ok, my bad about saying the graphics would be shit, thats an overstatement. They will look bad though compared to PS3 and 360. They can make the Wii graphics looks simple and smooth, but you don't get the massive amount of deatol you can get with the other consoles. The number of people on screen etc...

    The Wii will stop somewhere graphically, probaly in mid to end 2008, is where the graphics will be the pinnacle.. They will use DoF and bloom and such to hide the nasties..

  3. UK is once again Sonyland, that kinda pisses me off... I don't have anything against Sony, but when I talk to normal/casual gamers in my school, they're all pro sony, and they don't give any other consoles a chance. One guy was like "oh, I'm gonna get a ps3 so I can play all my PS2 games on it!"

    And one guy was like "OMG, you can play online and download demos, this shows that PS3 is the best console evaR!"....

  4. First of all, None of them are really fanboys, just have differnet tastes in games. And you don't get Luke, He slags of all games, he doesn't seem to like very many games.. so it's not like he picked on SOTC and GoW.

    And just cos the Wii is selling loads now, doesn't necessarily mean it can't stop selling later on ... not saying it will, but it's a possibility.

  5. They said when they announced it that we're getting GTA like 3 days after USA.

    And they're releasing the first trailer on March 29th...

    And and they INCREASED THE 50mb ARCADE LIMIT

    Worms didn't have to be under 50 mb, back in january, MS said they upped it to like 250 mb, and some rare cases can be 450 mb, or something like that. But worms had been in the making much before they annoucned the new limit..

  6. I wasnt specifically on about Gears, i just find it weird that the 360 doesnt go over the 32 player barrier. Its perfectly suited for an online war epic with massive maps and teams so big they could be mistaken for a small army


    Since Xbox Live doesn't use dedicated servers and only peer-to-peer, it would lag too much with loads of people.

  7. Shut-up all you 4v4 haters. This game is MADE for 4v4, the graphics can handle 4v4, because Ut3 is comming to 360 and has the same graphics as Gears and is probably gonna have atleast 16 players.

    Gears is suited so well to 4v4, if there were 16 players there would be no skill and no point for the cover mechanic, it would be a run n gun... Plus the maps aren't even all that big enough for more people. 4v4 is PERFECT for this game..
