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Posts posted by liger05

  1. It's £44 on Simply Games which will probably get you it a day early, is there a reason you're only using high-street stores?


    What's peoples' experience of Amazon Prime release date deliveries for games? Ever early? Considering changing to Simply Games myself (which would be like the 7th time I've bought BotW)


    Amazon never send early prime or not.


    So just returned from my appointment with Game. I've now purchased a Pro-Controller and case but cancelled Zelda as it's £60 in Game and £48 in Tesco. However, I do now run the risk of not having a game to play on launch day if I can't get a copy. Game don't have copies to sell as all are presold.


    I watched the first minute of that joy-con video. What a load of cobblers! If you smother all the sensors with your hands you lose the signal, pretty much exactly the same as would happen with any remote control. If somebody is standing between you and the TV you've got a bigger problem than your joy-con desyncing... YOU CAN'T SEE THE FUCKING TV!


    So why does it only seem to be the left side?


    Love how you came to a conclusion after watching a 1 min video.


    I guess the multiple sources all saying they have the same problem just have gigantic hands or someone blocking the screen.

  2. Of course they're bloody going to fix it. It'll probably be fixed in the day 1 patch. Calm down


    Let's just wait a see shall we. Instead of being so sure of yourself when you have been wrong plenty before I would wait to see what happens. If this isn't a software issue but a hardware one this day 1 patch you talk of changes nothing.


    If you can point me towards any media outlet with preview switches being told this issue will be fixed with a day 1 patch please post a link. Thanks.

  3. That joy con issue is worrying.


    Stuff like that is a recipe for bad pr and returns.


    Jason Schreier is saying that Zelda is unplayable using the Joy-Cons independently or in the bundled grip and he's now using the Pro Controller exclusively in docked mode.


    Nintendo need to fix this!!! Surprised it got past Q and A

  4. From neogaf


    Nintendo France: Switch does not support Bluetooth headsets/headphones

    Last week some French outlet did an interview with Koizumi in which he apparently confirmed support for Bluetooth headsets and headphones.


    Now the same outlet reports that Nintendo France informed them that this was a misunderstanding or wrong translation. Switch does not support Bluetooth headsets as of now.


    Source: http://www.melty.fr/nintendo-switch-...s-a592119.html


    Yes I'm an entitled gamer and disappointed.

  5. "Entitled" = people who throw their money at a company or a product day one and demand that it has all the features they want, because they can't compute the idea of not buying it or just simply waiting. Instead they prefer to bitch and moan about the injustice they face for making the decision to purchase something they don't even want or something that doesn't adhere to their every specific need.


    A lot of this has been happening since the Switch was announced, especially in this forum. A lot of people have stated their desire to wait until Christmas. A great deal of others have essentially moaned about how they're being forced to buy it day one despite it not being what they really want. Baffles the mind.



    No you are wrong. I can buy it day 1 and still get plenty of enjoyment from the the product. However that doesn't mean I accept whatever bs Nintendo give me.


    I'm allowed to be disappointed when Nintendo don't match the standards I expect. I mean God forbid someone would expect them to not miss the VC store 3 times in a row. How dare one think they might just of delivered this time.


    What I do think this shows is VC isn't so much a revenue spinner for Nintendo hence once again the lack of urgency to get it running.


    Maybe it's time they look at the obscene pricing model and start selling 20 year old games cheaper.

  6. Reading between the lines, I would expect this means VC won't be ready until they start to charge for online.


    Once again the question "what the hell have they been doing all this time" springs to mind.


    It is worth asking. It always one step forward two back with Nintendo.


    I'm expecting VC now to launch when the paid service launches. Sucks!!!

  7. There was an advert last night during the Brits but it was for 1 2 Switch and was pretty terrible.

    Why they didn't show Zelda is beyond me.


    Demographic of those watching the brits probably is more likely to find 1-2 switch interesting over Zelda.


    But how will you add friends if there aren't friend codes now? I would have thought the ID is the thing to search for people given it is unique for each person.


    Unless friend codes will still be a thing, which would be unmitigatedly shit.


    Friend codes lol. Ridiculous!!!


    We can't add each other by gamertag name? Surely not.


    What's the point of the nickname then?

  8. Should I be at all concerned that payment for a cancelled Switch order is still showing as 'pending' on my Paypal account? ::shrug:


    I originally ordered a Neon Switch from GAME before changing it to a Breath of the Wild bundle a few days later due to a discount but while the GAME website shows the original order as being cancelled, both transactions are pending on Paypal.


    Probably not but just contact PayPal to make sure.

  9. I don't think I like the Switch advert currently doing the rounds. The advert mentions that Legend of Zelda and the Switch itself are separate purchases but not that the controller you see is a separate purchase too. Then at the end where it says 'with anyone', I know that's general Switch marketing but the game they're advertising is single player...


    Splitting hairs much

  10. Some GameStop thoughts on switch.




    “The Q1 launch is one of the smartest moves Nintendo could have done,” Bright said. “Instead of pushing units out during the heaviest time of the year (in Q4), this allows them to build a base. So by holiday, we can focus on games. There will be millions of people who will be hungry for content, creating a richer development cycle for game publishers who will have an install base to support titles. This also will take some of the brunt off of Christmas and enable Switch to be better stocked at stores.”


    "From our sales perspective, we’re seeing incredible demand. We’re pleased with the Switch attach rate. People are not just buying one game. They’re buying multiple games.” Bright added that Switch is enjoying a higher attach rate than Wii U, which included a pack-in game, although he wouldn’t specify numbers.


    The attach rate comments are interesting. Launch time is when people are likely to buy multiple titles.


    Not every game is to my tasting but the more games people buy the better.


    Also as has been mentioned before maybe the wii u problem was on launch there were too many games available.


    I think people are just excited about the switch while the wii u was just something extra from the wii era.

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