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Posts posted by AshMat

  1. It's mostly fags from *chans so yes, there are lot of memes rolled out, we even sang Bel Air in the fucking street. It was epic.


    No, EbaumsWorld has fuck all to do with it, it's just a standard canned site to blame because frankly nobody likes them, infact at the end of one of the protests, someone shouted out to go to Eric Bauman's house if they wanted someone to blame...


    Good YouTube videos to watch:


    - London specific


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWkNS8dXdbM - First part of an EXCELLENT (but long video)

    It's fun to blame ebaums :D

  2. haha for once I might actually agree with you. :indeed:


    i cant believe i'm about to say this... but... i actually agree with ashma--no i just can't say it. O___o


    i used to have a real problem with this ~when i can't sleep... my first second resort is lavender, then "badger balm" pulse point stuff... that always works pretty well for me. i found that exercising just before i went to bed at night instead of first thing in the morning tired my body out, then i'd read (or do sudoku with brain training) to tire my mind :grin:


    but... yes. sleepy sleep. everyone's different - just find what works for you :smile:


    So we've come to the conclusion the females around here generall disagree with me, interesting.

  3. So today me and my mates decided not to do anything, we've been too active these past couple of days.

    I'm getting down to my ICT work, writing up the user guide for the Database i made, and i feel like i'm being punished for using Vista and Office 2007 here, nothing looks the bloody same so the User Guide looks completely different.

  4. This one looks pretty good, rythm game, first to use steamworks, if you don't know what it is, read this:




    Game services



    Game stats collection and display

    Multiplayer matchmaking

    The Steam Community

    Voice chat


    Retail back-end services


    Key-based authentication

    Territory control

    Zero-day piracy protection



    Development tools


    Rapid & secure build distribution

    Crash testing, MDMP collection

    Testing & usability data collection







    For other info, check it out on Steam, looks pretty good to me, custom sound tracks, the game analyses them and makes levels from them, includes the Orange Box soundtrack (useless if you've already got it)

  5. Probably around 13 i think. Back when smirnoff ice/WKD/ other girly boy alcopops were my thing.

    Now i'm mostly a lager/cider guy ("real" cide, strongbow, blackthorn, magners, not white star or any of that other shite)

  6. To drum up forum fun/community spirit/just a bit of lolz?


    The idea


    So you give an award to someone (which anyone can do) if you feel they strongly deserve it, by posting in bold one statement, e.g. "Thread title of the day award" then post here to say you awarded x to x.


    Then when one person has x amount of awards, they receive a small medal picture to put in their sig.


    Good idea? Lulz idea? Lame idea? Sucksz?


    I think it could be a bit of fun.



