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About ClowKin

  • Birthday 04/08/1996


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  • Nintendo Wi-Fi Friend Codes
    2964-8611-0527 3DS

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Seriously? The one time I post something out of curiosity, you immediately try to kick me out? I can see why you and others can make new members not want to post or join in conversation.
  2. It is coming to Europe as well! ^^ :D It's on the square enix uk youtube page too!
  3. This game is absolutely brilliant! I almost ran out of time on World 1-1, because I wanted to just stay and watch those amazing visuals. I love how the gamepad adds added background sound and the transitioning of music from land to underwater is SOO GOOD. I had a great time playing this with my friends today! It's probably the happiest I've been for a very long time. People complained that this game wasn't Super Mario Galaxy 3, but when the next 3D mario game comes out, I'll be complaining that it isn't super 3D mario world 2 haha
  4. I also completed the dexes a while ago! I also caught every obtainable pokemon outside the kalos dex.
  5. I caught the Zapdos in my game which I traded for an articuno which I traded for a moltres which I traded for an Yveltal all on GTS. That's how I filled my pokedex with those legends. I now have a complete pokedex with the exception of the non-obtainable pokemon! So yeah, that's basically a technique for filling in the dex. I've found the most annoying pokemon to get are Dusknoir, Magmortar, Electivire, Gliscor and Weavile...
  6. You can search for any pokemon you want using the 'What Pokemon?' feature
  7. If you have a pokemon in your party, and you have the experience share on, do they gain EV points still? I think they do as some pokemon I was evolving gained points, though I'm not entirely sure if they gained 100% of the EV points they would have gained provided they battled themselves. Nevertheless, level 3 super training doesn't take 2 minutes at all! It really is quick, I've done them in under 10 seconds. I've also spammed the hydreigon secret training one for moon stones :P. (I finally completed my Kalos pokedex )
  8. Mine are camrupt trapninch and palpitoad if anyone is interested in those.
  9. Wow! How many times have you defeated the elite 4!? I've beaten it around 20. I gots 50 hours in, but 94 for you? That's incredible.
  10. You know, I think it is an increased chance of shinies in the safari zone because I've seen other people get them quickly too eg. someone here http://www.3dsbuzz.com/threads/farming-shiny-pokemon-in-x-y-easy-quick-tested-legitimate.16658/
  11. Thank you for this! I can finally stop using disposable batteries in favour of this. I was searching for this for a very long time! EDIT: Wait a second. I don't really get it - Can it only charge one wii remote?
  12. I remember there being an official wii remote charger supposedly releasing some time ago. Did this ever happen?
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