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Posts posted by Apple_NdiB

  1. Try downloading the UT3 beta drivers (169.28) and playing Crysis in DX9 mode.


    Crysis lives and dies by it's AI, the open world and dynamic combat means there's alot of room for error if the AI doesn't respond properly. I've started playing through it again, there are some great set pieces, and the game makes you feel like a fucking hero sometimes. :heh:

  2. I probably win for most desktop space - 4 monitors.


    1280x1024, 1680x1050, 1280x1024, 1024x768


    5.17 megapixels of space, it's pretty ridiculous I guess, and if I wanted, my 1280x768 17" widescreen LCD TV is close enough to my computer to be plugged in as well for 5 monitor action.


    Shite quality picture since I can't be arsed to take a new one:




    As for my PC powering this ridiculous shit:




    250GB primary drive currently, did have another 500 in it but it's knackered currently, I intend to run 2x 250's in RAID 1 for my system, meaning all my main systems will have complete fault tolerance (I have the drives, infact, I've had them for weeks, I'm just too lazy to turn my PC off).


    *Runs away with tail between legs*

  3. I've just ordered a new set of speakers for my PC, I want to improve the sound quality of my games, but I don't listen to music on it. I've been looking at sound cards, and I was wondering how much of an improvement one of these offers over the on-board sound I'm using at the moment. Is it worth getting one, or will the new speakers be enough for the music and sfx I'm hoping to get the best out of?


    Merry Xmas, Duncan.

  4. Ugh, I have that PC downstairs, mine doesn't even have 1 PCI-E x16 slot in it. You'll need two of these to run the 2 GPUs, and a better power supply would probably be a good idea too.


    If I were you I'd go for 2 8800GTs; they're harder to come by at the moment but they're awesome in SLI.

  5. on the subject of strange conversations at the dentist's - I went a few weeks ago because I was experiencing pressure on my back teeth due to my wisdom teeth coming through. The dentist, an attractive young woman, told me that it could be due to teeth grinding, and eager to impress her with my knowledge of medical terminology piped up, "Oh, yes, that's called Priapism isn't it?" She hadn't heard it being called that before, so when I got home I typed it into Google.


    I'm not going back there again.

  6. Paint me converted to Crysis, Just started my second play-through. My favourite thing about this game isn't it's graphics or it's gunplay, it's the fantastic score that makes you feel like you're playing through an Arnie film.

  7. At least they had the sense to make this one Dual Slot. I'll never buy a GT because it runs too hot and is way too noisy


    Probably an ATi 3850 or 3870 for my next card, cheap, quiet and reasonably powerful


    I have an 8800GT, the XFX "Alpha Dog" edition, and it never gets hotter than 50 degrees, whilst my GTS could regularly get up to 70 degrees during long gaming sessions. I know the cooler is smaller, but I think because of this it's freed up a lot of room in my case to let the air move more freely.
