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Posts posted by Apple_NdiB

  1. I'm livid, I won bugger all. :P


    But seeing as you all loved me so much in previous awards I'l let that one slip. Perhaps my lack of pervyness really isnt opening doors. :yes:


    *flops out cock*


    Rodney Rickets Campino

  2. You may remember me have such monikers as Gamecubegod, The Ethereal, Phantasmagoria, Shade, Zatoichi and, most recently, Danny Mellow. I wanted to use that name, but thought "I'll register as zatoichi, then change my name to Danny Mellow" like you could on the old boards. Turns out you can't do that on these, so I'm fooked!


    Nope, doesn't ring any bells.

  3. People who gave negative rep points may wish to remain anonymous though. Perhaps people should just leave their names in the comment section.


    If someone says something negative about another person, surely they should say who they are and why they said it. Then I can hunt them down and punch them in the mouth.

  4. It does happen to say "Best Ever", which could be construed as including every group that N64/Cube/Revo-Europe has ever had. That's not to say we were the best ever, though I feel we entertained with our meetups and showed a sense of camaraderie that was pretty unique among internet message boards. I'm the the "tyrannical internet titans" rock the most, having been formed 4 days ago by members that barely knew each other.

  5. I hate it, being a self-confessed gaming philistine. Hell, I reckon the 64 got it right.


    Actually, I reckon I'll wait until I use it before slagging it off... But if I still don't like it then I won't bother with a revolution.
