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Everything posted by khilafah

  1. Okami

    not gonna bother if it is the same as PS2 version. I can get that for like £15
  2. SEGA Superstars Tennis

    Not being funny but I think you should be blaming Nintendo for no online. Nintendo's online offering is poor and needs too rapidly improve.
  3. PES 2008 Pro Evolution Soccer

    remember them PES management games were pretty poor though but yeah lets hope we get more than the shitty Master league.
  4. Football Season 2007/2008

    Former England international Paul Parker delivers a few home truths about the rotten state of the national team after Wednesday's defeat to Russia Steve McClaren won't be sacked unless England fail to qualify for Euro 2008, and even though I don't like him, that is the right decision. If we somehow get through, it wouldn't be wise to go into a tournament with another manager, although I can't see England getting far with the current situation. The harsh reality is we are not good enough. When things go wrong all we get is spin and beaming teeth. But smiles are not going to help us face up to our failings, and will only perpetuate the myth that we are a top international side. It might be helpful if we don't qualify. Then we can stop papering over the cracks and start afresh with a new manager, take the opportunity to mix the side up a little bit, maybe change the formation to make the team more adaptable. McClaren was very keen to show he was different from Sven-Goran Eriksson but he doesn't seem to have brought in many new ideas. England were unfortunate with a poor penalty decision, but if you sit back on your lead you invite pressure. If Russia have the ball around the box there is always a chance they will get lucky. The same with the second goal. It wasn't great goalkeeping by Paul Robinson but if you let your opponent take pot shots from the edge of the area these things can happen. The manager seems to select whoever the media like at that moment in time, hence the selection of Gareth Barry and Joleon Lescott for the most recent games. Lescott had a poor game but there is no point blaming the player when he is just shoved in and expected to perform. For a game in a hostile environment in Russia, an experienced head like Phil Neville would have been a much better bet at left-back. Not a big guy who has only played a handful of games on the left and is really a central defender at heart. You don't feel McClaren is picking a team to win a game, but rather one that the press are going to find acceptable. Successful coaches aren't afraid to ruffle a few feathers. We need someone who isn't scared of taking chances, and is confident in stating his intentions when he gets the job. Juergen Klinsmann made himself very unpopular in Germany before the last World Cup because he did the job his way and made some unusual decisions like basing himself in the USA. But in the end he was judged on the results during the tournament and he ended up a hero. As nice as it would be to have an Englishman in charge of our national team, the bravest coaches seem to be foreigners like Klinsmann, Jose Mourinho and Luiz Felipe Scolari. Sam Allardyce probably has the most imagination of any homegrown manager. England are becoming a second-rate football nation. We might keep on saying we've got the best league in the world, but that is mainly because of the great foreign players that all these millions are bringing in. Steven Gerrard is the only player we have who is unquestionably world class. Wayne Rooney has his moments but needs to improve his consistency, while most of the rest are decent players made to look better by their foreign team-mates at club level. Quite simply our players are not as good as they think they are. When you lose to Croatia and draw against Macedonia and Israel the evidence is there, yet still we don't face up to our failings. That unrealistic level of expectancy is still there. England's players do not realise the hard work and sacrifice needed to succeed at international level. I once played on for England despite having a hamstring strain because I didn't want to come off even if that meant making it worse. Today's squad would have half an eye on the next Champions League game and would come straight off. Compare that with a Croatian team that earn less money and play for lower-profile clubs - they would die for each other on the pitch and it is no wonder they are so much better collectively. Nobody seems willing to realise this, especially the players. If we get lucky and qualify, they will all be sounding off about winning Euro 2008 and ending 42 years of hurt. But there is a reason why it is so long since we have won anything. We need to have English players getting regular football, young players coming through and developing. But with the money and the immediate demands of success in the Premier League it is much easier to spend five million on a foreign player than nurture a teenager. As much money as the Premier League has generated, it is damaging the England team. Our players are not good enough, and when you couple that with a manager who is tactically poor and cannot seem to motivate his players, you can see why we are in this mess. Paul Parker was talking to Alex Chick / Eurosport
  5. PES 2008 Pro Evolution Soccer

    Full Interview whit producer Akiyoshi 'Greyhound' Chosogabe: Quote: Pro Evolution Soccer has long been a lunchtime favourite and with the series finally competing on all formats, this is going to be one to watch as it takes on EA's FIFA franchise. While the PS3 version of PES has been grabbing all the attention (it's set to debut this month) it's the intriguing Wii version which has PES purists scratching their beards, wondering just what the series has in store. While we had a first glimpse of Pro Evo 2008 on Wii at last week's Pro Evo finals in Seville, we also managed to have a word with Akiyoshi 'Greyhound' Chosogabe, producer of the Wii version. Trivia fans might like to know that he first cut his teeth on the Pro Evo Management title. Before you go, don't forget to check out our exclusive news about the Classic Controller, where you'll also discover a splendid movie detailing PES Wii's intriguing new control method. What's been the most challenging part about developing a version of PES for Wii? Greyhound: It was challenging to create a brand new control system and the most difficult thing for me was having a brand new way of thinking. Of course all of the development team are core PES fans, but even some of the team didn't initially like the idea of a brand new control system. But I wanted to create a brand new PES. We've only seen the game in the training mode, don't you think controlling several players at the same time in a real game could prove difficult? Greyhound: I showed you an actual match in the trailer on the screen yesterday and I'm just using the training mode because time is very limited. But it's not so difficult to use this control scheme in an actual match. I think players will easily get used to this control method, but I wanted to show the simple method and training is the easiest way to show this. Would you say the Wii version is one for hardcore players? Wii is geared more towards casual players in Europe, is this the same in Japan? Greyhound: In the beginning I wondered if we would have to create a casual game, because the Wii is a more of a casual player's machine. But I thought it would be boring if we create it as a more casual game. Therefore in the beginning I abandoned any plans to make this a more casual version and started to look for a brand new direction. With Mario Strikers Charged Nintendo created the first online game for Wii in Europe. Did you ever consider including an online mode in Wii PES? Greyhound: I'm still in research and development to have Wi-Fi functionality, but currently there are some issues to be solved before we have an online version of the game. Did you ever consider controlling the game with your feet? Using the Wii-mote in that way? Using your foot to shoot for example? Greyhound: In the beginning we had the idea of putting the Nunchuck controller on your boot and actually one of the team put it on his foot. But it wasn't quite as interesting as we expected [laughs]. The guy who put the controller on his foot looked very awkward and it did not look like playing football at all. It looked like he had something wrong with his foot, so it was not a very successful experiment. As well as the new control scheme, will you support the Classic Controller with this Wii version? Greyhound: The base of this Wii version is the PS2 version, so technically it's possible to have classic control. But I'm focussing on creating a brand new game system so I don't have any plans to use the Classic Controller. While the unique control method will satisfy Wii players, do you think there's a danger traditional PES fans might not want to re-learn their tried and trusted control method? Greyhound: Everything we are doing, especially with test players shows some of the development staff can read their opponent's mind by seeing the arrows on the screen. So I would like you to practice the game very hard. If you practice hard I think you will be able to find a good method. Could your control method form a basis for the DS version of the game? Greyhound: I'm not involved in development of the DS version but we're exploring some opportunities there. Moving away from PES Wii for a moment, you produced the Pro Evo Management game, any chance we'll see a return for that series? Greyhound: I'm very happy to have that question. Personally I would like to continue that management series but the company has this new direction [on Wii]. I would love to do the next version of PES management, I would be very happy to include some PES management features in the next Wii version of the game. source:cvg new video: http://gonintendo.com/?p=27376
  6. Is Wii wasted potential?

    well Bizarre could do a driving game not MSR 2 though as SEGA hold the copyright. That why we got the silly title Project Gotham Racer.
  7. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    Am I looking forward to a 3-D Golden Axe? going on SEGA's history with these old games I not excited yet. Never been a fan of the WWE Smackdown games. I play alot of the japanese wrestling games and find them much better. Give me a new Fire Pro on xbox live and I would be very happy. Does the new smackdown game still use animations from the PS2 game.
  8. so not supporting a ridiculous system like interest banking is wrong. a system that has helped crippled the third world. Compound interest has pratically made the third world subservants to the west. Even in the west where it is a debt crisis we see the misery of interest. It is a system that is so illogical its unreal. The only people who benefit from it are the rich.
  9. Street Fighter IV

    Would this sell big numbers on the Wii? If it was released on PS2 and Wii at the same time I not sure if SF would do great numbers on the Wii. Look at Dragon Ball Z. that is a huge franchise and it a big seller in Japan. latest version came out two weeks ago. PS2 version sold over 200,000 in its first week. Wii version sold 40,000. numbers like that really make you think..
  10. Street Fighter IV

    Like I said on the other games console forum, I would be very suprised if PS2 does not get a version. PS2 is still huge and SFIV would sell in great numbers. Maybe the Wii might get a PS2 port. I don't think it will though. I agree that Third Strike is the best game, The animations are superb and they really nailed the balance of the different characters. I also purchased SFIII: Double Impact before Third Strike was released and it plays nowhere near as good.
  11. I would give £5m to charity. Try and redeem £3m in paper money for Gold reserves. Put the rest in a NON interest savings account as Interest is wrong and hurts poor people. plus as a Muslim it is forbidden to pay interest or gain money from interest.
  12. Super/Street Fighter IV

    Hell yeah a Dreamcast version would be amazing. I hope 360 gets a Hori Arcade stick now. Playing SF with that Pad is hard work.
  13. Football Season 2007/2008

    well i was born here but do not support england. half scottish and support the scots. I do not care about where people are born and who they support. doesnt bother me if someone born in england supports argentina.
  14. Football Season 2007/2008

    Again England struggled to keep the ball. when your winning away you need to control the ball and england cannot do it. Technically the players are not good enough and people need to accept that. England look good on set pieces and that is about it!! Russia will win in israel nd England will not qualify.
  15. Super/Street Fighter IV

    I would be very suprised if PS2 does not get a version..
  16. Super/Street Fighter IV

    about time!! Street Figher III: Third Strike is superb but I want a new game. Hope it gets released on arcade first for few months then on all consoles.
  17. Football Season 2007/2008

    come on russia!!
  18. Is Wii wasted potential?

    I dunno if the Wii is wasted potential but I don't play mine. I use it for retro games and that is it. 3rd party support might be average in europe but in Japan it is a whole lot worse. honestly over the last few months there has been nothing I want to buy for the Wii. If it is the PS2 that is holding the Wii back then the Wii is gonna be held back for at least 2 years as PS2 won't be going away anytime soon. Super Mario Galaxy on Nov 1st will be great though.
  19. 2007 Rugby World Cup

    Motion you actually are right and make some good points. Outside of the Knock out stages the Rugby has been good too watch. I am just disappointed with the quality of matches we have seen over the last two weeks. As for Jason Robinson. guy is a legend! remember first watching him in Rugby League when Sky first started showing Super League. His skills are out of this world. He is one player who could of went to the NFL and been a superstar. honestly as a Running Back he could of been awesome!
  20. 2007 Rugby World Cup

    This world cup has been pretty boring and for non rugby fans it has not been pretty on the eye. I prefer Rugby League and if I watch Union it has to be the Super 14's as it brings excitement and much more expansive rugby. The best team does not win at the rugby union world cup. too many teams are scared to run with the ball and just kick the ball long. It is horrible to watch! Last nights game was not won on skill. Both teams just didnt want to make mistakes. It seems that whoever makes less mistakes win the game. where is the attacking flair players?? England are possibly the most boring team to watch. honestly once it gets to the quarter finals expansive rugby does not exist.. New Zealand are brilliant outside of the World Cup and easily the best team around. They keep hold of the ball and express themselves like no others. Soon as it gets to the Quarter Finals of the World Cup they go into this silly mode and forget why they are the best team around. The Tri-Nations pisses all over the World Cup.. I will be cheering on South Africa next week.
  21. Dreamcast is 8 today (Oct 14th)!!!

    I actually got a Japanese Dreamcast about four months before European release. I saw soul calibur vidz on the web and was shocked how good the graphics were. next day I went to CEX and picked up a Dreamcast with Soul Calibur and Sega Rally 2. Happy days. I still play my DC as I love my 2-D fighters. Street Fighter III: Third Strike with an arcade stick rules!!
  22. PES 2008 Pro Evolution Soccer

    No it has a shitty ML. trust me it is really weak! basically you can select a team and play in the respective leagues. (English, French, Italian) Konami do not bother including lower league teams though so if I choose Marseille and play Ligue 1 ML for example my Ligue 2 has to be a division with french, english teams etc mixed together. There is a domestic cup in the ML but again konami have two cups for league 1 and league 2. why not just have one cup with all teams together?? You do get some kind of champions league but again it is not right as Konami doesnt include enough teams in the games. I think the top six qualify for CL and sometimes you end up playing two teams from your league in the same CL group. You cannot change clubs while in ML mode. so after a few season when you have won everything you gotta start again if you want to play with a different team. If you are new to Master League you probably will be okay with it bit if like me you have been playing this mode for four years now it gets boring quick.
  23. PGR4

    lucky mine turned up frm play-asia. played an hour and very good. please add me as a friend if you want a race!!
  24. PES 2008 Pro Evolution Soccer

    looks brilliant, especially when u can choose off the ball movements!!!!!!!!!!! That's what i wanna see in sport game, the ability to tell off the ball players where to go and manually passing the ball to them. the power is cpu assisted but at least you can pass to whoever you want. that what i want in footy games. the shooting looks like it will be assisted but with the Wii controls i not really sure you could have it on manual. the ability to control every player in the box on corners is a great feature. that should help stop the scripted corners you get on PES on the other consoles. Looks like game is coming along very nicely. IMJ yeah Wii owners will have to buy this. Japanese GC owners totally shunned WE6:FE.
  25. PES 2008 Pro Evolution Soccer

    graphics are nice!! gameplay is interesting. wait for actual hands on previews people. it may play great you know..