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About Calza

  • Birthday 12/04/1991

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    Saint Andrews


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  1. http://mif.co.uk/event/bjork-br-biophilia/ So I am working but I do have a break in between so I could go either the 7th, 10th and 13th concerts. But I have no idea where I will be and if I would be able to get to Manchester. Do I take the risk or pray that she does more in the UK after the MIF?
  2. "This summer, Björk introduces Biophilia, an extraordinary immersive project and her most ambitious work to date. The multi-media endeavour encompasses her music, installations and live shows, and celebrating the use of modern technology by utilising the internet. The project aims to explore ideas like how sound works, the infinite expanse of the universe, from planetary systems to atomic structures." http://www.dazeddigital.com/music/article/10006/1/bj%C3%B6rk-unveils-live-residency A bit speechless at the moment, probably caught in the hype but omg. Dates are June 30th, July 3rd, 7th, 10th, 13th and 16th during the Manchester International Festival at the Campfield Market Hall. £45.
  3. I would say the Orange San Francisco is the better buy.
  4. From what I have heard the flipout is awful, the best blackberry style qwerty keyboards will be the Motorola Pro or the HTC ChaCha...
  5. I personally would wait a bit, as there are the new S versions of HTC phones, Sony Ericsson Arc/Pro... coming out in April and the Samsung Galaxy 2 coming out in May.
  6. What do you want from a phone? Keyboard? Excellent Camera? Large Screen (4 inches +)?
  7. This is what my homescreen looks like. I love it, gives me everything I need to know, upcoming appointments, unread texts etc at a glance.
  8. The market (on a pc) never loads for me anymore. It did for the first few days but none nothing
  9. Thats odd, I too bought Season 1 like 2 years ago and then my girlfriend bought the Gold Box for my birthday and I finally finished it yesterday. Strange.
  10. So facebook contact sync isn't working, basically it has sent to the phone 44xxxxxxxx numbers instead of +44 or 0xx. Is there a fix for this? Also the battery life is pretty poor, there are quite a few apps that are running in the background that just seem to not be doing anything, some are useless like a sony ericsson clock widget that runs even when it is not being used and there are useful ones like Skype on 3 but I don't see why that has to be on all the time. I did buy the San Francisco yesterday, I am doing exams at the moment so I got it sent home but I should have it on thursday or friday, so I'm pretty excited. I just need to stop going on Modaco and get on with my revision.
  11. Thanks, installing GTalk again worked. The standard SE launcher is pretty sluggish but I installed Zeam and it seems to be a lot better. I think I will stick with Zeam, at least untill Launcher Pro gets it's rewrite and Go Launcher is more mature. I keep playing on it and its getting quite the distraction for revision but I am going to order a San Francisco and just pop in my sim card. I don't have internet on my contract though and its an extra £5 so i'll need to see how it is on just wi-fi.
  12. Yeah she got it for £15 for 2000 minutes, 5000 texts, 5000 3-3 minutes and 'unlimited internet'. Hopefully SE change their mind about upgrading it to 2.2 but thats unlikely. Thanks for the help, I'll give it a shot.
  13. My girlfriend got a SE X10 Mini Pro the other day and it came with tons of crapware on it so I rooted it and got rid of all the junk that was on it, including google talk. Now I can't seem to download from the market, the download just hangs at download starting. I've cleared the cache and restarted it but that doesn't do anything and when i've searched online I find that you need google talk? Also i'm having problems finding apps on the market, fxcamera and epicurious result in market saying it can't find anything. I don't think they require 2.2 so i'm not sure whats wrong.
  14. Nice date of birth you got there ;D Merry b-day!

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  15. Its not really anything to do with the Barnett formula though is it? The Barnett formula has been around longer than the policy that made university tution fees free for scottish students. But yeah I hated the scottish system last year, but now because of my family is earning less I get a lot more this year.
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