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Everything posted by LukeLee

  1. Nintendo Collectables!

    Yeah. Thats a good price, if you were to order directly from first4figures it'd cost you £60.
  2. Nintendo Collectables!

    Well my samus varia suit has the payment clear tomorrow after a year and a half - will feel very odd when it finally arrives. It was gonna be someon'e bday present in 2006
  3. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)

    ahhh, i'm beginning to feel like they'll never announce the release date.
  4. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)

    its getting really annoying having to wait to hear how long we have to wait. Its fairly safe to assume it'll be at least a month and a halfs wait from when its announced, but there's no sign of it being announced. A month ago I had a slight hope that it would be released within 2 weeks after my birthday (march 25th). Ah well.
  5. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)

    Have we got any vids of Zero Suit Samus final smash yet?
  6. WWE SD Vs RAW

    tell us a bit about the caw - can you use your own music off sd cards for entrance themes?
  7. Wii Remote Jacket

    ayone gonna post a real life pic of one of these on their wiimote?
  8. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)

    i wonder if we'll get a mario galaxy style level - that'd be cool.
  9. Street Fighter IV

    Exactly what i was thinking as i was watching the thing. Besides, where was Chun-Li? :'(
  10. The Work/Job/Career Thread

    Left uni a few months ago with a psychology degree and seem to be stuck in admin jobs at the moment. My current job is with the NHS so hopefully it'll look good on my cv that i converse with many professionals. What i'm currently looking for is an assistant psychologist job, but they're near impossible to get
  11. Street Fighter IV

    erm, because wii is the best selling console right now and companies dont like to miss out on potential sales.
  12. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)

    wow, you really really wanted him as a playable character
  13. What is love?

    God you guys are skeptical. Well my view on love.... well i agree it isn't easy, not easy at all. First finding someone you feel that way for and who feels that way for you. And i think alot of people say those words without understanding them or meaning them - i was with someone who said it but often had zero respect for me, that's not love. I'd also agree with Ash, love comes in many forms, in my current relationship we'll play fight as well as the close stereotypical stuff - different people need different things from a relationship. But how does it feel for me? When its working it feels so good and so uplifting, whenever i've had a bad day, just knowing i can turn to someone and feel appreciated and held is so uplifting, makes life feel so much better. But there is a vulnerability to it, you know you're exposed and they could really hurt you just with a few chosen words. Anyway, i'd definitely agree you need to be happy with yourself or you'll often struggle to accept they like you or care about you.
  14. This girl would be perfect for Samus!!

    My friend thinks Uma Therman would be perfect for Samus, but it would have to be done soon while she's still young enough.
  15. Lego Star Wars Wii

    n-e need to change their release list then.
  16. Lego Star Wars Wii

    so whats the release date for this i've heard a few different ones?
  17. I'm So Stupid . . .

    Ouch, that was very very stupid. But you are only 16, we all make stupid mistakes, especially when we're young. Luckily mine never landed me a record. Well as everyone knows everything basically, there's nothing that you can do anymore. Just up to fate / the law in how far it goes. Just try not to get so drunk or use such stupid reasoning again in the future.
  18. I'm not very happy atm...

    Relationships never seem to be that easy. I've been in a constant swing lately about whether i should end the relationship i'm currently in. I just seem to struggle to stay happy and settled, i can't go that long without feeling it's not for me. It's a crap feeling really cause i want it to work out.
  19. Make us laugh!

    okay, that one did make me laugh
  20. Ashmat!

    Happy Birthday Ash, we haven't spoken in awhile.
  21. what's your smell?

    I'm looking for a really good, sexy cologne but dont feel like i'm getting far. So gimme your recommendations
  22. what's your smell?

    well it's a pretty case
  23. what's your smell?

    i fancied taking a chance and so far it seems to be paying off.
  24. It's okay, I still think that it's a personal choice and i'm not trying to push anyone to quit, didnt intend to sound preachy. We all know the basics on paper, it's just when it goes bad it feels alot different for many people. All I would really say is that if you've got someone in your life that means alot to you (that's good to start with) then i think it's a habbit worth quitting in the long run. Although, I have to wonder how smokers are not more bitter about how much it costs. God, i'm annoyed I have to pay £5.50 to get the train to work every day, couldn't imagine spending £20-£40 a week on something that doesn't last.
  25. Okay, this is one of those threads that's really caught my attention and i just feel i've got to post. I think alot of the responses are not only selfish but also blindlingly ignornant or blocking out the truth of lung cancer. A year ago my mum was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. Words can't properly describe the affect it has, both now and also in the future. This past year i've taken my mum to countless hospital appointments, seen her go through radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Seen her suffer both physically and mentally, so many days she is suffering mentally, the pain she is in, it's incredibly hard to see, knowing what she'll miss. And it does have a huge effect on those around you, i had strongly considered quitting univerity when i found out and getting through the stress of the last year while coping with the home situation was very very difficult and stressful. But what is worse is the future, i am scared, i will end up completely alone and will have to see and deal with so much, with basiclly no support. You guys can talk about having kids at 20 and having grandchrildren at 40, but that is over looking so much. Those people in your life that you grow so close to, yeah you might see them being born but that's only the start of someone's life, you'd miss out on so many special moments in their lives. I am so thankful my mum was there for my graduation, that was a special day in my life and it was right she got to share it. But she won't be there for when i eventually get a phd to celebrate that with me, when i'll be on a very high salvery and could of really treat her special. It's even questionable if she'll be there to see my brother get married in January. So many days and moments in the future just wont feel right.