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Everything posted by LukeLee

  1. Steve Irwin dies

    Get over yourself. He was a conservationist and worked to do good for wildlife, relocating crocs to prevent them for being killed. His methods were unusual but that was to bring in a TV audience - and it successed. Compare the ratings of his programmes against David Attenborough's of the last 10 years. He knew how to bring in an audience, he never actually killed any of the animals he pursued. Now if you're gonna say people deserve death because of animal cruelty, then first start with the big game hunters, the fox hunters, spanish bullfighters, fur wearers (particular those that wear rare fur, such as Pete Burns). It is sad what has happened, but he was always at risk with what he did.
  2. Test the Nation-IQ Test

    i always knew people would take the results too much to heart. Try and take the results with a pinch of salt. I'm a psychology student and did a long essay about IQ tests earlier this year, they're a subject i know very well. I could really go into it describing the flaws of IQ tests in general and of that particular one.
  3. Test the Nation-IQ Test

    it's more shocking when Newcastle comes top :p

    i got a ticket, woooo - not as exciting as seeing kylie, but still gonna be great.

    Happy Birthday Retro
  6. German Wii Ad

    i dont like the red steel cover
  7. What the -

    it does say Theatrical version.
  8. Game you have always wanted to play..

    The only one i can think of at the moment is Kingdom Hearts 2 - i know it's new, but i sold my PS2 a few months ago while it was still worth something.
  9. Im Leaving :(

    I hope you're reasons arent too serious, i'm sure you'll be missed.
  10. Love lives!

    good to give me hope no one local is ever interested in me, but judging by my town that might be a good thing
  11. Love lives!

    Speaking from experience, i wouldnt particularly agree, i had a long distance relationship that lasted about 3 years. The distance does add extra difficulties but it doesnt make things impossible. Granted my relationship ended, but it wasnt in any way because of the distance.
  12. Love lives!

    and you're an Aussie, thats hot
  13. The Official Ninja's vs. Pirates threat

    this is any of you guys as ninjas :p
  14. Alright, now im not gonna be popular for this....but most of my games were amazing games like Perfect Dark, Blast Corps, Goldeneye, Conkers bad fur day and Mario Kart.....all amazing games, so my least favourite were.... Mission Impossible and Jet Force Gemini
  15. The Official Ninja's vs. Pirates threat

    no, its Ninjii :p
  16. The Official Ninja's vs. Pirates threat

    I feel like ive walked in on an animal crossing conversation.
  17. Love lives!

    Well...here goes...A few months ago i ended with my first boyfriend, we had been dating 3 years and known each other 4. It was sad the way it ended and i was disappointed, i was in love and really wanted things to work out. I had hurt for some time. Right now i do feel ready for a new relationship, i'd like to meet someone to get close to and be affectionate yet. But i seem to be repellent to getting anyone right now, not getting any interest Also i have something very heavy to cope with for the next year or so, so i'd probably be far too much of a moody bugger for anyone to put up with.
  18. The Official Big Brother 2006 Thread

    the rest of us are pretty much f**ked then. :p
  19. The Way You Look

    Okay, im gonna be brave and join this thread. I tend to feel very mixed about my looks - somedays i dont mind how i look, other days i hate my looks. I like my eyes, i have mixed feelings about my nose, sometimes like it sometimes not, like my lips except in many pictures it looks like i'm wearing lipstick I can safely say im not looking the best i could, but that'll come in time.
  20. The Official Big Brother 2006 Thread

    what did you guys think about pete with this dream thing. Kinda knocked my trust in him. Seems ridiculous that he wont believe in heaven any more if he doesnt win.
  21. Post your random pointless fact here

    he's one for you.... open up notepad, type 'bush hid all the facts' - save it, then reopen it and see what happens.
  22. Matt gives us another hint...

    i think some of your memories might need refreshing..... Basically a year ago (a few weeks before last years convention) Matt strongly said to expect Nintendo to soon reveal big news (suggesting we'd all learn what the secret controller was). Of course we didnt learn anything at all until the Tokyo Games Show in late September. If you search the IGN mailbags at that time you'd see his hints and suggestions - i was surprised there wasnt any backlash at the time. Anyway...if wii got another console's exclusive i'd want kingdom hearts.
  23. there's an official exams thread.....this'll probably get locked. :horse:
  24. G4tv PS3 vs. Wii - Apple Style!

    No offense, but your post made me smile at the irony between the first sentence and the last one.
  25. Okay, a bit of a sensitive topic (hoping it remains calm without getting closed). I've seen it quite a bit on the media this last year or so, but the most clear example at the moment has the be the channel 4 trailer (which of course will be seen more than the actual tv programme) where they show an image of an asian man and flash slogons initially like "he grew up in England", "he supports hislocal football team" but leading on to say "he thinks all English women are immoral" and then to say "he sympathesis with the London bombers". It is then implied that this represents the average muslim's views. I dont think i've ever seen such blatent propaganda. It's disappointing to see this in our country, we've always had advertisers trying to persuade us that their product is the best, but this is disgusting.