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killer kirby

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Everything posted by killer kirby

  1. 3DS Console Discussion

    Zelda MM would not be the secret title, Nintendo has to announce a game that will explode the market, it's the main intention, Zelda as popular as it is among gamers like ourselves, just doesn't have the power that DQ, MH, pokemon and a side scrolling mario game has. I am highly think it's MH3Tri G, it's just what the 3DS really needs
  2. Hey it just occurred to me...because this game is also on Wii U does that mean...*Gasp* I can play the fuck out of DQX on the screen controller anywhere I want in the house Wonder where Grazza and Ike are? Died from a heart attack or something?
  3. Red Shell didn't you enjoy DQIX as well?
  4. Gaf complain about everything, if it became the same as what DQVIII you would have people happy while other people complaining about how it's the same old shit over and over again. I think people should have been expecting something like this since the release of DQIX, the signs were there in that game, so yeah, I am one who is not shocked but super fucking excited!!!! :D:D:D
  5. Thanks or the edit, but now thinking about it, I don't think us gamers will get the Wii version perhaps only getting one shipment and the rest focused on the WiiU to try and boost the sales over here as well as get DQ even more popularity. Either way More information. You can tailor your clothes, crafting your own sword, as well as have your own house and decorate it etc etc... 1000 hours later on xD (How am I going to squeeze time into both MH and DQ HOW DAMMIT!!! )
  6. After so many interviews where the creator himself has been saying 'it's on the Wii' plus also the fact that they are still bringing out DQ games onto the Wii (The Anniversary edition WITH a DQX trailer in it and also Fortune Street Mario x Dragon Quest party game) The game is coming to the Wii, DQVII came out on the PS1 in Japan months after the PS2 came out. EDIT: not long now until the stream is up DRAGON QUEST X FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU LOOKS MMO VAST LAND AND CHOOSE SPECIES!!!! WII ONLINE FUUUUUU Mods change title to Dragon Quest 10: Rise of the Five Tribes (Wii Online RPG) please Logo It's for the Wii and the WiiU, both can play online with one another, also 3DS connectivity, allowing street pass with characters with other people. So yeah...stream is over, mmo DQ game for the Nintendo system, shit loads to do big, vast and...yeah N-europe's online group will be jizzing in their pants
  7. PlayStation Vita Console Discussion

    I'll get the Vita like how I got my PSP...when I can get cfw on it. MH3P is a god send thanks to cfw for letting me have an english patch.
  8. New DQ to be shown online on the 5th Live Stream Guesses areeeeee DQX And also... http://www.dqx.jp/ soon...
  9. Dragon Quest IV, V, VI: The Zenithia Trilogy

    But looking at it now And then a few years later getting something like this. Which also is the first game to introduce animation into a dragon quest fight. I still play DQV on the SNES from time to time, but when compaing it to the PS2 version or the DS version it just can't compare. However DQVI on the SNES from time to time looks better on the SNES than on the DS at times, and even the music in the game sounds better to me.
  10. Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns

    Been playing the new PSP version lately, been really enjoying it besides the constant loading. I hope we can get something on the 3DS on a similar style of that of A Wonderful life, will look incredible in 3D
  11. Dragon Quest IV, V, VI: The Zenithia Trilogy

    It was a good game on the SNES, but daaaamn it aged badly, like really badly.
  12. Steve Jobs steps down as Apple CEO

    Sell! Sell! Sell!
  13. I think the old traditional DQ is out forever now sadly, DQ in my eyes has always been a series about evolving and becoming something incredibly rich and deep while staying at it's core, but one that continues to raise the bar on what to expect from an JRPG.
  14. I get a feeling if anything it's going to flow like DQIX did, but with the presentation of DQVIII. Plenty of quests to last a year or more. A good 40-60 hour main game you can complete in single player. And the rest just mindless grotto carnage with friends all around the world if you choose too.
  15. So rumor has it that DQX may be in fact an MMO...thoughts?
  16. New Wii Announced. No Gamecube Support (New Colour)

    Wii U prob won't be out until end of next year anyway, seems rushed as it is and Nintendo don't want to fuck it up like they did the the 3DS launch, they MUST give Wii U the hype that the Wii garnered before release and GAMES!!!! I think it's ok the new Wii reminds me more of the old PSone small version, just blended into the market to give it one last nudge before the system truly died.
  17. [Spoiler-Free] Zelda: Skyward Sword

    Gah, hurry up Australia, announce the date for this game so I can put in a holiday form in to work >_<
  18. Xenoblade Chronicles (Aug 19th)

    Previously announced at E3 2009 as Monado, this is Tetsuya Takahashi's next major RPG project due for release on the Wii in Japan in Spring 2010. Official Site: http://www.nintendo.co.jp/wii/sx4j/index.html Source: http://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/library...100129/06.html Tetsuya Takahashi's wiki page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetsuya_Takahashi I could have used the other thread for this game, but lazy and I would like to start fresh and get all hyped up for this game Also on main site for this game, music sound AWESOME!!! Feel like playing Xenogears, Xenosaga I,II and III as well as Baten Kaitos Origins all over again xD
  19. Tales of the Abyss

    I would like to say that this game is better than Symphonia and Vesperia, for one reason alone... TEAR!!! seriously, she makes Collette and Estelle look like a fucking joke.
  20. IGN: Mario Games Haven't Evolved

    Don't forgot a lot of games now have so many bugs when they come out, with a reply of 'hurr durr just wait for next update' and these are obvious bugs that should have been fixed before release. It may not annoy some people but to me it's a pain in the ass, no way some of the modern games of today would have gotten away with that type of shit a few years back. (Thinks back when when you buy a game you buy the whole game)
  21. Zechs's Top 25 Wii Games

    So was Wind Waker sadly only game that really felt alive was Majora's Mask IMO : peace: But still, dat Zelda charm, I could ride a horse in Hyrule field just for fun, and just the same with going around the ocean, seeing how fast I could get from one side of the ocean to the other I hope Nintendo can bring a bit more life to Skyward Sword when flying in the sky Yeah he would have been in it, but he was too busy making spin-offs and making more rupee's from it.
  22. Xenoblade Chronicles (Aug 19th)

    Seems like Australia is getting it with a free soundtrack instead of a controller (Although I have the full soundtrack some time ago, yet to play it only after I have completed the game )
  23. RPG Pillars: 20 Games that Defined RPGs

    It's a different ball game now though, Japan is more and more going into the handheld market rather than the home console market. Big difference to the amount of JRPG last gen to this gen on Handhelds, you must remember that. To me the golden age has not dimmed at all, it's just...moved, I have never loved my handheld system than I do now because of the vast and incredible amount of JRPG's. Dragon Quest IX, Pokemon Black and White and Persona 3 are games which show to me that JRPG's are just going to get better on portable systems