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Posts posted by Jamba

  1. When I played the demo, you controlled Rayman. Single player. For now, I'll believe this is just particular levels of the game. If it was majority pointer controls with and AI Rayman, it would've been picked up long before now.


    Sounds like someone has misunderstood the music sections of the game. I'd assume that it was a description of how that gameplay worked rather than the main game!

  2. But no one knows no wrong it is. Should the new call of duty be cheap too because it uses the same formula for year and years? FIFA? I don't get how anew mario game with copletely new levels, graphics and music should be a budget title when we have idea what the full game entails.


    Though I do agree that rayman looks incredible and much much better.


    I also agree that Nintendo should do more with it, but justit doesn't cheapen what is there.


    It's about value for money, for me personally. Yeah it will probably be a fun game but it has far too much in common with it's past 3 predecessors. If you think about the main Mario series, there was never this much repetition.


    Mario 1, 2, 3, World, 64, Sunshine and Galaxy all brought something very new to the table and that's why I was happy to fork out top dollar for them. My opinion of the situation with the "new" series is that the Wii U game doesn't represent enough value for me to fork out that kind of money because, for the most part, I've played it all before. For some people, that might be the case but for me it just feels like a big DLC pack for the Wii game.


    That's like saying the obligatory on-rails turret sections in modern day shooters are a complete sub-genre. In Rayman:L it seems like they're having the characters on auto run (would be impossible to synchronize with the music otherwise) while you have to hit jump and attack at the right times. It's nice variation on the core mechanic and a great idea, but little else.


    This is why I disagree: On rails bit of shooter, you are still using the same gameplay, with the ability to move (and usually reload) removed. In this second mode in Rayman, they have taken a mechanic from a completely different genre (music and rhythm games) and used that as an expression of visually playing the same game. It's completely different gameplay.


    They have found a way to allow you to enjoy the levels, animation and art style of the universe in a completely different way which justifies spending more time with the game. By comparison, Mario's "play it again but fasterer" seems weak.


    Jesus the hate for this game is seriously getting annoying now.


    It's funny because none of us have actually played this game from start to finish yet so therefore no one can truly say what it's like. Sure, we've had videos and screen shots from the game which suggests what the game will be like - but again, no one has actually played it yet.


    What's even funnier, is if this game never existed and the Wii U launch was Mario-less, people would be bitching that Nintendo 'never learn' from past console launches that haven't had a major first party title. 3DS anyone?


    I'm glad there is a Mario title at launch. I'm sure loads of other people are too. Perhaps it is lazy of Nintendo to use the NSMB forumla again. But hey, it will sell the console. And if that means a successful launch that goes on to kick start a successful console that spans lots of successful games, then great.


    Don't get me wrong, this game will sell well and Nintendo have made the right decision to cash in but for me personally, it's not getting my money yet. They have fully explained the gameplay modes and videos have shown the gameplay, art style and power-ups so I feel that I can make a judgement on the game as I know what I don't like about the "new" series and it's all still there.


    And don't confuse hate with criticism. It's a value judgement as I don't have infinite time and money!

  3. I don't know where people are getting this "Nintendo is financially DOOOMED!" malarkey from. They made a loss this year for the first time in their history, solely down to the poor opening performance of the 3DS. Sony and Microsoft consistently make losses in their gaming divisions. Yes, they have other divisions to subsidise losses, but you can't really make out that a company that has made one loss in it's history and had the highest selling console of this generation is in danger of going out of business any time soon.


    Wasn't even due to the 3DS. 90% of the problem was due to the Japanese exchange rate. But yeah, totally agree with you. People should stop being morons and realise that Nintendo is financially doing well currently and that Sony is far more likely to die off before they do.

  4. Drivers are up to date, Catalyst Control Centre is up to date. DirextX is up to date.


    Only other thing that I've found on ATI is a known issue about Warhammer and wire frames on certain settings...


    Have you tried testing different graphics settings/catalyst settings to see if you can narrow down what process is causing it?

  5. Well as I'm saving for a wedding, the only way I'm going to be able to afford this is by trading in my old stuff. Just got £90 credit for stuff at CEX so I'm quite a way there already. It's just the roulette of whether they will have one in stock anywhere around launch and quite how much they will charge everyone for it!

  6. The screen is 60% random information and there's a second screen full of information on some random table. So out of all the available screen space, only 20% of it shows the actual game.


    Will be interesting to see what developers generally leave up on the screen. I would say ammo and health are the 2 most important. Everything else can either be represented in the graphics of the game (like weapon choice) or chucked on to the tablet.


    Can't wait for a metroid map on that thing!

  7. I can't seem to find the reason for this.


    I have a ATi Sapphire 7850. On some games (Source engine games, Fallout New Vegas) the wireframes are visible. I'll get some screenshots later if need be.


    Hey Cube, I would do as the guy on the steam forum suggested with updating the ATI drivers and DirectX. I'll keep looking around for what I can find though...

  8. Why? What do you know about the game? It's length, what the extra game modes entail? You're driving me crazy today with your insane negativity with absolutely no foundation whatsoever.


    I kinda get where he's coming from with the value of this product. The way that they have extended the play time of this is with extra modes that are frankly cheap extensions, reusing the same assets and design. The only new thing of merit are the challenges.


    I'm not bashing the game per se, I just don't think it's worth full price especially when you stick it next to something like Rayman, which has has used a complete sub-genre of platforming (the music mode) to extend it's game.

  9. I completely missed the original for Xbox. In fact I for some reason recall it getting quite negative reviews, both online and from friends. I'll check if I can get it cheaply used.


    The 360 version (really the only one that should be played) had a Metacritic score of 90% from 86 reviews... and I can personally say that it's a fantastic game and I even thought so when it was on the test bench back at SEGA.


    It's criminal that the first one didn't do better but I really think you have to play it to see why it appeals and why the action system works so well.


    As for the people complaining? It's stupid, end of. The games industry is a business, get over it.

  10. Nintendo are trying to fix that though. They're getting core games on it to try and kill the "Nintendo is kiddy" image, but it seems they'll never remove that :/


    Well I just think of the guys who are porting Baldurs Gate and the hate they spill on Nintendo, for what is actually them being incapable at their own jobs. Sad really.

  11. I dunno. RAM wise I think the next Sony & MS console will be on a similar level of 1-2 GB of RAM.


    Personally, I am psyched. I never lost my love for Nintendo, though the past gen was the first one where I personally got other consoles, for obvious reasons.


    Bringing all these third party games and core games is a massive boon for Nintendo. It will please most of the core crowd (I saw most because of those idiots bitching about Bayonetta) and may mean that the Wii U could reach Wii style sales.


    I'm not worried for the future as the generational jump won't be as big as people think it will. Games will finally render in 1080p as standard and there will be better textures and bumpmapping. Other than that, it's not that much a jump.


    Yeah, it's not a major worry but I'm just aware that things might changes and lots not forget western developers ability to discount Nintendo systems for being.... Nintendo systems.

  12. I'm pretty invigorated but I do have 1 worry. With the Wii U ready to kick arse all over the shop for the time being, what happens when the new consoles come out? Will we still be getting good and fully featured versions of the game? I know that the GPU chip is next gen enough to handle the shaders but 1Gig of RAM isn't going to be an awful by lot by comparison and there is a good chance that these kind of limitations could lead to a compromised Wii U edition.


    As for Bayonetta 2, I think it's an excellent example of an adult game. MH3U is a great hardcore game (with massive appeal) in Japan. With these and the support from BLOPS2 and to some extent ZombiU, not to mention to top tier sports games, it's pretty hard to argue that around launch Wii U has something for everyone.

  13. I can agree that the Lego games have a certain charm to them. But I just never understood why it had to be Lego. I don't get why there was a Lego Star Wars, Indiana Jones or Harry Potter. Lego isn't about humour, it's about building stuff.


    And making a Lego game where you don't build stuff to me is like making a Zelda lightgun game.


    *Remembers Link's Crossbow Training*:cry:


    Well mostly it's because the creativity builds a platform for promoting new LEGO products based on new film franchises, which again receive publicity. Three tiered publicity chain? A bit of marketing genius if you ask me.


    It's a bit of an irrelevant "why" game though surely? I think the whimsy attached to LEGO should be enough to explain that.

  14. So an "ultimate" version of a game that's already out for the Wii (and that game was in turn based on a PSP game)? And yet no screenshots? I bet this is going to shine in the graphics compartment and therefor make great sense to be released for the first next-gen console.



    Dude can you shut up. I don't mind you having an opinion that is negative on all aspects Wii U but it would be nice if you didn't express it like a 7 year old on every thread in the Wii/Wii U boards.


    You don't have to buy it you know...

  15. Have Nintendo really bought EXCLUSIVE publishing rights for the game? Because games "exclusive" for Nintendo games rarely turn out to be exclusive in the end. Remember Viewtiful Joe or Monkey Ball? Goldeneye? RE4?


    It'd be nice to have an exclusive that stays exclusive for once.


    It depends. It if it does ridiculously well then someone will have to pay Nintendo money to break their contract and go multiplatform. So it's a numbers game.


    Also from Nintendo's perspective they have to maintain a status quo with Platinum to not scare them away from working with them again.

  16. I'm happy with the launch and it's the fact that the mix means that I'll get to play any of the type of games that I enjoy whenever I want. Be it something silly and fun (but still good) like LEGO, laid back multiplayer with my mates like Nintendo Land, some badass shooting or stabbing people with AC3 or BLOPS2, or something with a little more whimsical charm like Trine 2, Wonderful 101 or Rayman.


    The selection is delicious and it's topped off with MH for me personally.

  17. That's Nintendo's idea. Proprietary space causes issues. Run out of space in an internal HDD? You're fucked. Use proprietary formats? Money grabbing


    Here, they're allowing the users to tailormake it. You can get a 128GB SD card for like £60 if you look far enough. You can get a 1TB external HDD for around £120


    It can tailor make it for everyone's desire


    Exactly, it's about making it as affordable as possible so people can get the bolt ons that they need or want.
