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Posts posted by Jamba

  1. Does Dropbox have an individual file size limit? I use this as a cloud storage service all of the time and the more you use it and recommend it to people then the more space you get. Winner!


    But yeah, in terms of sharing the video it depends what you want people to do. If you want them to just view it easily then yeah Youtube is your best bet or something similar. Pretty sure Photobucket would also work and again you can set privacy settings.


    If you you want people to actually download the video though and keep it's original quality then some sort of cloud storage is going to be better.

  2. I watched the first episode of the new series of Thundercats on the weekend. Thought it was pretty good. I really like the new design for Snarf.


    Snarfachu? He's genuine comedy gold frequently throughout. Watch out for the episode where they break into the tower of omens (it think that's it... it's behind a waterfall!) and they trigger a trap above a pit of spikes.


    Snarf's - Face - Is - Priceless

  3. Not a huge loss as it's still easily within the launch window. Anyone who has a Wii U will be looking for games to pick up and Rayman will be sitting there with open... space where his arms should be?

  4. I always forget that Assassin's Creed has online. I didn't even look at that mode in Brotherhood and Revelations.


    Anyway, I've decided to wait for the PC version. The Join or Die edition for less than £35 is a bargain.


    Slap yourself. No seriously. Online in Brotherhood was great fun and completely different to anything else I've played. If you've still got either of them then give it a go.

  5. I love my weekend cartoons and ever since I was a kid watching Transformers, Thundercats and the wonderful times that were 80s kids tv, I've never been able to kick the habit.


    So... whatcu watchin'? What are your favourite ghosts of 'toons past? Funny gif and clips welcomes :yay:


    Currently underway at the moment for me are:




    Oh yeah! Don't knock this cos of the crap movie. This is excellent and is happy to play around in the area of more complex emotions with some classic villains involved. Also features possibly the biggest green lantern in the galaxy and he's awesome. Give it a whirl!






    Fantastic show that never stops making me laugh. I've got lots to catch up on but I like just watching a 10 min episode with my breakfast. It makes everyday feel like Saturday morning :-)






    Moody, shouty, hormonal and completely exploding all over your living room with tons of action. The story gets really thrown around especially after season 1 where season 2 starts with a complete mind fuck. It's given me a chance to get to know some of the more minor characters in the DC universe but honestly, most of the villains still suck balls. I enjoy it for the action mostly and the toon girls in their very tight outfits :geek:



    Bit out of left field and considering it's sibling show is Ben10 my recommendation of the week is definitely this:




    Generator Rex!

    This show is tons of fun and the action literally never stops. It's totally the calibre of show that I grew up with in terms of animation and characters, despite the sense of humor which is usually hammy on purpose.


    For those of you who give it a go, keep in for the long haul because it does have a full story arc with an awesome (if slightly inconsistent) ending.

  6. Wow sounds like they're putting a lot of effort into this!


    Well Sonic does sell best on Nintendo platforms ;-)


    Glad to hear this is going so well as the original is very close to my heart. Glad to hear that they fixed a lot of the issues which were unavoidable due to the complicated development originally.


    They better have made the missions as fun as they were last time :p

  7. I'm really, REALLY not liking the writing at the moment. The last episode felt really clumsy to me and the script is driving me insane lately as some of the lines are complete cack. "He's you..." for example.


    I'm finding the characterisation to be so inconsistent that I've lost touch emotionally with any of the characters or their developments not to mention that the current Doctor seems to be so childish that he's bordering on being completely obnoxious.


    I liked the concept of the building and it's cyclical nature but the delivery has just been all over the place.

  8. Kirby Superstar Ultra had almost no text to speak of (and even had the original full EFIGS SNES version's localisation already done - which was almost the same as the DS version's text barring a few very minor changes) NOE has always treated the series poorly (Mass Attack and Kirby's Return to Dreamland/Kirby's Adventure Wii being the only exceptions) and even now are not releasing the Kirby Anniversary Collection...


    Why should we just accept their shabby treatment of the series? Why shouldn't we complain? How is it unreasonable to expect a game with almost no text to get released within a year after its US release?


    This isn't Animal Crossing GCN we're talking about here!


    It could simply be that Kirby sells badly in the EU? Maybe they need the sales in the US to be guaranteed before financing it can be signed off.


    Also why shouldn't it be released later? Is it any worse for being released later? The reality of the situation is likely to be that whether it was released earlier or later would have had a negligible effect on sales.

  9. Now they may have very good reasons for instituting region locking and I perfectly understand why they do it, but that does not mean that we shouldn't complain about hefty delays that happen for no good reason (see Persona 4 Arena)


    I don't expect simultaneous worldwide releases with every game, but having Europe wait 6-12 months after the US (or even vice versa with recent cases!) is inexcusable. There was no good bloody reason for Europe to have to wait a whole year for Kirby Superstar Ultra to get released in the EU, when that same company was perfectly able to release Pokemon B&W, the Zelda titles and even the last two Animal Crossing games at roughly the same time in both regions!!



    There are legitimate, probably financial reasons why this would be the case with the examples that you have given. Pokemon is a huge guaranteed seller with massive merchandise business so it's natural that they would have more resources localise.


    A lot has to do with how the game is developed in terms of how connected the text it, how carefully it needs to be translated and so on.


    Another point about US > EU localisation. US localisation usually only has 2 languages English and Spanish, if not just English. EU however has the full EFIGS (English, French, Italian and Spanish) if not more. So you have twice as much translation work to do.


    So there are a lot of different reasons why the time varies. But let's face it, there are few times when you getting a game a bit later than you would like does little more than aggravate a gamer's need to have it now.

  10. My company deals with shipping goods in and out of the country as well as dealing with UK, EU and US laws and regulations on radio use and licensing the EM spectrum. From that point of view, I"m aware that every single territory has a myriad of different requirements that cannot all be met by one single product and so this leads to different products being produced for each territory.


    Thanks to the different tax laws, this also means that companies have to completely re-price products to balance value as well as profit/loss. It's a horrible and fucking difficult balance.


    To make sure that products meet the expectations of the customer and the laws of the territories different products have to be produced and the areas in which they are released contained.


    But hey, it's not like I can't sympathise with some customers that want to get games released in their territory. In some cases games might sell better if they were allowed to be purchased overseas, as I know that in particular fan-crazed cases people would happily play them in a language that they don't understand!


    But what I can't accept is people who complain about time differences of release. Harvest Moon on the GCN I get and that was stupid but people getting pissed about a game not coming out within 6 months of it's counterpart in a different territory? Get over it.


    EDIT: Oh and great and logical words from Jayseven.

  11. New news on the online front. Already posted by HOT by thought people might like to read it here as well. From Eurogamer (http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-09-25-how-monster-hunter-3-ultimate-wii-u-and-3ds-work-together)


    At the Tokyo Game Show last week Capcom showed for the first time Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate on Wii U and revealed how it will work in tandem with the Nintendo 3DS version, already out in Japan but scheduled to launch on these shores alongside the Wii U version in March 2013.

    At the show Eurogamer chatted with Monster Hunter chief Ryozo Tsujimoto who explained the games' interesting cross-platform features.


    You'll be able to save data across both versions. To do this, you'll have to download a free app from the 3DS eShop, which you'll use to transfer data from the Wii U to the 3DS and vice versa over wi-fi. With this function, you'll be able to continue your Monster Hunter game on the move.

    A Wii U console and up to three Nintendo 3DS consoles can communicate for four-player local co-op play over wi-fi. Using this, in combination with the data transfer between consoles, means you'll be able to invite your friends over for what Capcom hopes will be Monster Hunter parties, them bringing their data files on their 3DS to communicate with a Wii U, and all four players playing in the same game.


    This feature is to make up for the lack of online play on the 3DS version, Tsujimoto said.


    "We wanted people to play together," he told us. "We know there are some people who want to play online. Unfortunately with the 3DS version you can't do that. But we have made this feature so you can play together. You can have your friends bring their save data to your house and have a Monster Hunter party. One person will play on the big screen and three other people will play with their 3DS versions. People can continue their save data from what they had before and go back home and update their data on their Wii U."


    Why did Capcom fail to implement online play for the 3DS version?


    "To put it frankly, when we were developing the game we were looking into it but there were some places we were unsure about," Tsujimoto said. "We didn't have the correct techniques to get it to work. We decided we probably shouldn't release something that didn't work well. We didn't want to lower the quality of the game." The just announced 3DS exclusive Monster Hunter 4, still without a western release window, does have online play.


    And the Wii U version of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate has online play, too. Nintendo's kept online gaming on its HD console shrouded in mystery, but Tsujimoto did offer some detail on how it will work with his game.


    "With internet play you can play with other hunters online," he said. "In terms of new features, we have text chat in the game. Right now we're looking into voice chat and seeing how we can get that to work, but it hasn't been 100 per cent confirmed.


    "In the game we have a friends list. So if you have your friends you know personally, you can add them to that list. That makes it very easy to jump to wherever they're playing.


    "If you want to find other players there is a search function you can use. Once you get four hunters connected together you'll automatically go off on a quest. We're trying to make an online experience that's extremely stress-free and easy to use for the players."


    With Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Capcom hopes to grow significantly the popularity of the series in the west. It will launch both versions simultaneously, and with regards the 3DS version, the localisation effort is Monster Hunter's shortest yet.


    But Tsujimoto insisted Capcom will not make drastic changes to the action series to appeal to western gamers. Instead it hopes to grow the fan base with small but important tweaks, such as the addition of a Target Camera for use on larger monsters.


    "We know there are a lot of people overseas who have made their own Monster Hunter communities," he said. "We know there are a lot of people who are huge fans of the series overseas. We want to make products to continue to build that fan base. We know it's a fantastic game and an interesting game for overseas users. So we think if we continue working on the game, it'll eventually start to break out.


    "We don't want to segregate the two groups, like Japan and overseas. We view them as one group. The most important thing for us is we keep the essence of Monster at its core. We want to make sure everyone knows this is what Monster Hunter is all about" - Monster Hunter chief Ryozo Tsujimoto

    "We don't want to segregate the two groups, like Japan and overseas. We view them as one group. The most important thing for us is we keep the essence of Monster at its core. We want to make sure everyone knows this is what Monster Hunter is all about.


    "We do get opinions and feedback from people from all over the world, not only in Japan, but also America and Europe and other countries. We take that all into account when we're developing our games. That's one of the reasons why we have this new feature called the Target Camera. We got a lot of feedback from fans, and they said one of the most difficult things about playing Monster Hunter is controlling the camera. So we added the Target Cam to the game so with the press of a button you can focus on one of the monsters you're fighting against. You don't have to spend all this time pressing the d-pad just to focus on a monster. You can just do a simple button press and you're done.

    "Those are the kinds of changes we want to make. They might be little changes, but they can turn out to be very significant as well."


    Some fans have questioned the decision to launch Monster Hunter 4 exclusively on Nintendo 3DS, particularly given the series' phenomenal success on PlayStation Portable. Most believe the exclusivity is the result of Nintendo's effort to secure the franchise on its handheld console - and therefore away from the PS Vita. But Tsujimoto insisted it was a design decision fuelled by the experience the team had making Ultimate 3 for 3DS.


    "When we were developing Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate on the 3DS, it was an experiment," he said. "It was new hardware for us. We didn't know the capabilities of the hardware. But as a portable system it was very unique to work with. It has two screens and 3D capabilities. To us as developers, we want to challenge ourselves to make something that is very good on that system.


    "So after we made Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate on 3DS, we were able to analyse what we did on that game. We realised it was quite easy to develop for. That was the reason why we continued with Monster Hunter 4 on 3DS."

  12. Just done mine


    Ping - 44ms

    Download - 9.26

    Upload - 0.80


    How accurate is the test?!


    Fairly accurate as long as you have set it to a local host server. If you are getting measurements over 30Mbps then yes the data won't be accurate but that's pretty much no one.


    Bear in mind that this won't take into account several things such as:

    • Load on multiplayer server
    • Load on Nintendo's servers (sure they will be involved somehow with authentication)
    • Connection distance to both of the above
    • Varying contention on your ISP during different times of the day
    • Doesn't really take into account simultaneous up and down
    • No idea how many simultaneous connections will be kept open for the Wii U or well/badly it handles traffic.

  13. I didn't think Wall Jump or Screw Attack were as good in the Prime game as they were in the 2D ones/Other M. However, Metroid Prime is a good game. It's the old dilemma of how far you should stray from a game's origins to make it work in 3D.


    I can't say anything negative about Prime 1. Absolutely fantastic game on every level but I think it's easy to debate it's Metroidness. Personally I was happy for the departure and enjoyed getting lost :)

  14. The Daily Mail after one mother gets the game for her 12 year old son despite the warnings. They'll report it "Zombie game filled with profanity and smut on kid's console", and it'll spread with them running a campaign against it


    They'll resurrect Ann Diamond just for the scrawl of epileptic rage!

  15. No they haven't. They have left the universe well alone and instead made a subset of the levels into these incredibly tightly scripted on-rails music levels. There is no other way to play them and they're not there on top of the standard levels, as they're part of the levels.




    And if you absolutely want to look at it from the "extend the game" perspective, the challenge/rush mode in NSMBU is actually the addition that offers more content in comparison. That's because it adds content on top of the 80+/- levels you can expect from NSMBW, instead of taking out one level per world and changing the core mechanics invariably.


    You see I completely disagree with you here. You have said that these are independent levels or new sections in Rayman right? Good stuff to me as it means more content. My argument is that replaying the levels in a sped up mode will add very little for me to the point where I might not even bother.



    Looking at the on-rails section in shooters is a more than apt analogy. At the core of the shooter mechanics is moving and shooting. The on-rails sections are removing the running aspect in favor of the shooting. The core of Jump'n'Runs is jumping and running. They're removing the running aspect in favor of the jumping and synchronize it to the music. In both cases one of the core mechanics remains intact.


    So you agree with me that they use completely different mechanics? I don't even understand why you are arguing with me about this? I value the fact that I get different gameplay in the middle of the game and despite the fact that there is this change in gameplay, you are somehow saying that the core mechanics stay in tact in Rayman? That's just flat out incorrect.



    And yes, I think the musical levels in Rayman:L are far more exciting, but building your value argument on them simply doesn't work.


    Yes, thank you for your amazingly patronising take on judging the way I perceive value.

  16. I'm extremely hesitant about this game. I feel burned by Revelations and the little things about the gameplay really haven't been addressed yet (and I would include the kind of thing that Cube is talking about in that).


    It's going to be a rental before purchase for that reason as I don't want to watch a ton of reviews (which generally spoils it) which will probably still not answer my queries and suspicions. Stupid thing is, I still feel compelled to trudge through AC:Revs to finish the story :/

  17. I agree that the series trying to 'Americanise' itself is damaging it.


    What I don't understand is why they are doing it. The show was gaining popularity in the US before they did any of that so why feel the need to put in this kind of effort.

  18. Thought this episode was an absolute travesty. Piss poor story with a mild attempt to delve into the doctors personality using a mirror character. Similar to things that they have done with Matt Smith in other episode but it all ends the same, by the end of the episode it might as well not have happened.


    At least with C.E and D.T those kinds of insights got woven into the long running fabric of their character and were referenced as part of an ongoing arc.


    The series is trying hard to American audiences and is forcing it to go into territory that it doesn't feel comfortable with. The recent episode was completely derivative and poorly directed. The vast majority of the screen time was spent with held or slow panning shots, like in Anime where they don't want to spend much money on making things move. It didn't make it moody or atmospheric, it just pointed to how ridiculous Matt Smith looks when he's trying to be hard or angry.


    This is literally the worst episode I've watched since the reboot.

  19. Hate, criticism - it's all negativity. Doesn't matter how its labelled really.


    And regardless of whether we've been told what to expect or whether we've seen the art style - it still doesn't go as far to show you what you're gonna get when you load up world 4-3 for instance, or when you get to world 8 how difficult it may get.


    But it's your call to make that judgement on just videos and a list of game modes.

    I'll make mine by playing it. :)


    So you just spend your money and then decide whether you like it? That's a bit of a cavalier way to spend your cash... Also you could say the converse with you, that you have decided that you are willing to put down your money without having played it. How is my decision any different to yours?


    Bear in mind that I'm basing my decision on having played NSMB and NSMB Wii as well.


    On a different note, I really think you should look up the difference between hate and criticism. Criticism really doesn't have to be negative but on the other hand it generally suggests being impartial rather than overly optimistic (that's you).

  20. Right, so I have a mid-2010 Mac Book Pro 13". I'm starting to lose patience with the crap cooling situation as it has 1 little fan to cool the entire unit and the vents on the back are almost always covered by the screen hinge.


    I've also had to go get a fan controller for when I'm running Windows on it. Transformers was melting my processor until I realised the fans weren't even kicking in but it's still not enough.


    Any suggestions?


    Pissing me off that the system can easily handle what I do but can't cool itself properly :/

  21. Thanks for the suggestion - it was the Anti-Aliasing "Edge-detect" morphological filter. Changing this to "standard" fixed it.


    Wow.... that filter sounds practically made up :/.


    I'd raise it with ATI though. You may have detected a relatively random bug but if you submit it as an issue then at least they know.


    Are you happy though? I know what it's like to feel like you don't trust your hardware!
