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Posts posted by Jamba

  1. Well maybe it shouldn't have been a launch title and instead a better game.


    But anyway, I'm not trying to beat down on the game, it's just in light in these reviews I've suddenly recognised all the missed opportunities.


    Chances are I'll get it at some point and I hope I have fun with it.


    Cmon dude, this is Ubisoft we're talking about. The original is always the test run for the sequel next year :laughing:

  2. I've been reading some of the comments on IGN and some of the readers are actually calling Greggy out on the fact that the previews were super hyped and everything. His reply is basically that they only get small snippets and short clips for previews blah blah blah. Such bullshit especially considering how they've been hyping it previously.


    I want to pick this up so I'm going to but some of the comments in the reviews are just ridiculous.

  3. But yes, my experience is that minigame compilations, with extremely few exceptions, practically are a seal of badness. Sort of comparable to film license games.


    You do realise that game like Professor Layton is just a minigame compilation too but in a linear fashion.

  4. So apparently it is the tech that makes the Observers bald for some reason? That's pretty silly. I feel like the more we learn about the Observers, the lamer they get. I was actually relieved when no Observers showed up at Bell's little hidey-hole. Not because I was worried about the fringe team, but because the Observers are so easy to take care of, they become less and less of a credible threat every time they face the fringe team.


    Even that random woman on the street didn't fear the Observers. She just sarcastically said "excuse me!" and wasn't worried they'd fry her brain just because they can.


    I think Nina Sharp's hair actually looks better in the future. Only on television do people's hair get better as they get older!


    Some thoughts about the latest episode:


    So maybe Peter is September eh?


    The plot is taking forever to unfold this season and feels like they are going to end up ramming almost everything far too quickly into the last couple of episodes.


    Also how slow is Olivia being this season? I want her to bring the power back and teach people to stop being so shit!


  5. I don't want this to turn in to a big argument, but...

    That something can't be done on another system isn't a proper reason to give a game high scores. Visually it's not what I'm expecting from a next gen system. In fact, most of the time, I'm seeing better on my 360.

    The use of the controls are forced at times, among other things I've understood that the F-Zero game is controlled by tilting the controller, something that's been proven to not work on the PS3 (remember when all games HAD to use sixaxis, and how nowadays not a single game uses the sixaxis at all?).

    The best minigames require human players, but there's no online, and at least all of my friends have sold their Wiis long ago, so those modes will NEVER get played.


    Nintendo have made so many bad decisions, and sadly I can see that they've invested a fair ammount of money and man hours on this. Not to sound like a broken record, but I bet that Nintendo could've made a proper HD Nintendo title for that money instead. You know, like a 3D Mario, Metroid, a proper Excitebike 64 sequel...


    My statements were about it being a unique and original game that you can't find anywhere else. But thanks for ignoring the bit where I explained that there's more to this than meets the eye initially.


    And everything else that you have posted is just purely speculation based on your own assumptions of what Nintendo might do or making judgements from watching videos on review sights. Why don't you actually get some first hand experience with an open mind attached before making such snap judgements?


    That or you have 2 choices:

    - Build a time machine and go back to 1996.

    - Don't buy it. No one is forcing you to.

  6. I'm completely baffled as to how this game is getting so high reviews.


    Apparently each of the games has a surprising amount of depth to offer and all of the games couldn't be done on another system.

  7. Yeah, but now I can get it for Wii U... and I do prefer to play games from a TV if poss. My PC is/was for games I couldn't get on Nintendo (GTA's, Half-Life's etc.).




    I was talking about Asylum really. You could play through it in the two weeks whilst waiting for Armoured Edition!

  8. I for one have never played either Asylum or City... but I might check this out (when its price drops)!


    Get Asylum, however your can. Even if it's through OnLive because it's a fantastic game. For me personally I preferred it to City but City is still an outstanding game with a ridiculous amount of substance.


    There's a Gametrailers graphics comparison out. It's not a very worthy comparison really and they have actually changes some of the art in it too which makes the comparison a bit weird. No a fan of catwoman's new outfit... less boob.



    EDIT: FFS... can someone help me stop being a spazz at linking GT vids?

  9. I called this! I said to people this game was going to be good. It looked hot at Play Expo and seems to have been pulled off well. This seriously eases my concerns after the ME3 debacle.


    I don't know. To be honest, this is a difficult game to review as the caveat of "should you bother picking this up if you've played it already" still seems to answer NO. Whether that should effect the review score is an interesting debate.


    I'm interested to see if Gametrailers will give it a worse score as they seem pretty pissed about Reggie's attitude that tons of people are yet to play this.

  10. The IGN review seems pretty scathing and by the way they talk about it, the 7.5 seems a little generous.


    It was weird reading the Wii U specific section too where they were listing stuff like "it takes a little time to get used to playing on the Gamepad cos of the layout". What the fuck does that mean? It's only the same layout that you've been using to play the game all the way through with so far! And why does their inability to use the controls need to even be in the review anyway?

  11. Seems GameSpot have taken down their review of ZombiU?


    I only just getting online and seeing the talk of their review here for the first time, I went to their site to read the review and when I click in the Review link in the ZombiU section it says they haven't reviewed it yet?


    Wonder what that means?


    Havent they broken the embargo on it?

    I thought that Gametrailers said they weren't allowed to say ANYTHING until Sunday midday or something?


    Fuckem I say. Ubisoft probably didn't pay Gamespot enough money to get a good review score.

  12. Reggie pointed out something today when talking to people in the queue for Wii U in the New York. It's Metroid Prime's 10th birthday.


    Now the conspiracy theorist in me wants to see this as significant and I am very interested in what Retro have been working on.


    So what could happen? Has the 1st person Metroid genre grown stale or is there plenty of blood left in that stone?


    For me, Retro are very capable from a technical and visual point of view. If there is anyone outside of the core Nintendo studios who are going to show off what all of these fancy shaders can do, it's them. That and I have a sneaky suspicion that Nintendo are holding back the big guns for holiday 2013 makes me think we will see Metroid from Retro November next year.

  13. I cancelled my order a while ago (too many games) but I'm with you and lostmario on this one. When it goes sub £20 I'll buy it then.


    Agreed. It's a real shame as the content really just doesn't seem to be there.


    I know it's not a directly related game like Castle of Illusion but one of my favourite games on the SNES was Magical Quest. Loved the different outfit ideas and generally, it was a very solid platformer.


    There were a stellar last couple of levels and Pete was such an evil bastard. He stole Pluto, who DOES THAT!?

  14. I don't think i've ever disagreed with an Edge review, they always hit the nail on the head for me, so the 7 they've given to ZombiU eases my mind a little. I've never had very high hopes for ZombiU anyway, so news that Edge think it's worthy of a 7 is great news for me.


    How do you think that review reflects on the game? What do you think a 7 means from Edge? They're usually pretty harsh markers aren't they?

  15. because if it gets average reviews across the board then I am not gonna spend money on it.


    I am not someone who will just buy games cause I like the look of it. Reviews are important to me!


    Hey, why don't you just rent it? As others have said, singular reviews can be amazingly biased due to reviewers preference but at the end of the day, it's going to be about what you enjoy right?

  16. No I won't shut up. Heed your own advice if you don't want to listen to me.


    I don't want to ignore him, I just wish he wouldn't be so ignorant and closed minded. I almost can't wait to see him play it and eat his own words.


    Well, I'm trying to be helpful by stopping you caring about his opinion but you seem to enjoy forcing your righteous fury upon someone rather than accepting that you disagree and leaving it at that. By reacting, you've reduced the thread to this:




    And by feeding the troll, you make most of us feel like this:


