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Posts posted by Jamba

  1. Of course it's my opinion. It's also gorons opinion for stating what he is saying, and your opinion on yours, why is "in your opinion" all of a sudden a valid argument? It isn't. It's such a common starter for demeaning what that persons saying. So you shit in what I said as just "my opinion" then proceed to give me yours like it's more worthy. Thanks.


    You're right, I am trying to shit on your opinion. Mostly because it has no relevance or connection to how the average consumer feels about the Wii U and making comments like "the Wii U has 10 great games" is far from factual.


    You were wondering why people don't tar the PS4 with the same drought brush? I was pointing out that drought is a matter of opinion and perception. Specifically that your opinion differs from the majority of the market that has spoken loudly for 3 generations of hardware , saying: Nintendo could release a game a week but unless it's of a quality and of a type that I'm interested then that is essentially a drought.

  2. A console with substantially less games on it. And pretty much none must haves... How does that make more sense?


    The Wii u is suffering, but there's still a good 10 great great games on it.


    And not that I want to be positive because I'm pissed off with Nintendo too, but what's coming out on ps4? Infamous, could be great. Metal gear, a £50 2 hour preview of 5.... If those games excite you more than mario kart than there should be no debate in the first place.


    This is entirely your opinion not everyone else's. Most people are happily excited about playing the mixture of 3rd party content on those consoles, including the massive raft of games that most current Nintendo fans don't care that much for.


    So sport, more generically action type games, stealth games, racing game more on the simulator end of the spectrum, FPSs and western RPGs are a selection of types of titles that Nintendo platforms won't get and if they do it will be an almost erroneous entry.


    The Nintendo fans that are left are those that are so enthusiastic about the games that they specialise in that (usually) they will have a second console to fill that need. The vast majority of other gamers either are happy playing the titles that pioneered the Wii or left long ago to get on the PS, Xbox or PC train. The ones left like the titles Nintendo produces almost by de facto due to Nintendo's neglect.


    It makes no difference if Nintendo carry on with a strategy that appeals to a market that they have already won. That market has already bought the Wii U and that's why I doubt Mario Kart will make a significant difference to the sales, just like 3D World didn't.

  3. It's more than enough, considering... Don't make the mistake of expecting the Wii U to ever have the potential to become your primary device, it will NEVER fill that role. As a secondary, 2 games per season is about what I'd expect, and that's exactly what Nintendo consoles have always been about, except for the NES/SNES days. Nintendo's home consoles have become a completely different product than their competitors'. Ever since the N64, Nintendo consoles have always been about having 3~5 great exclusive games per year (which accumulate and always end up as part of a terrific line up of quality titles that usually put the other consoles' exclusive lineups to shame).


    You want my advice? Build yourself a PC and think of the Wii U as a special friend that you don't see as often, but which delivers in spades whenever you do. You'll be alot happier with it, then.



    I'm glad you're posting in this board again. Totally agree with the above.

  4. Either they are holding back ready for a second half of 2014 blitz, or they're killing it off slowly... Didn't we say this last year? Slow start ready for a marketing and game blitz, that never came?!


    I'm not sure that Nintendo have met or even exceeded anyone's expectations of their line up in recent memory, with the exception of the 3DS.


    There is now a long list of big franchises that Nintendo haven't seemed to have addressed in a time frame of will be 18 months on into the Wii U's life cycle. Part of me is quite glad. I get the feeling that if we saw a Metroid, Starfox or F-Zero game at E3 that it would be a bit shit...

  5. God I can't wait for handheld Smash.


    I've still got plenty to play on my 3DS but I'm not even a little sorry that I got rid of my Wii U right now... I think we're going to see stuff for the second half of the year announced at E3 although I doubt it will be more than 1 or 2 new titles. There was far too much in that Direct that was without a solid date, so I expect the Nintendo conference to be a string of confirmed dates.


    I must say though.... with the amount of development grunt that they have, the output is bizarre at best atm.

  6. It is a fact, end of. We have had many disagreements on here and everybody is entitled to their own opinion, but trying to argue that the PS4 is cheaper than Wii U is an act of tomfoolery. As you pointed out recently when you falsely accused me of stating you had purchased a PS4, it retails at £330. The RRP for PSN is £40 per annum which is required. So based on a 5 year life span a PS4 will set you back £530. I'm not sure what the RRP for Wii U is at present but even taking the most expensive pack available at launch, the Zombie U bundle was £299 and that came with Zombie U, a game pad and a Pro controller. That's £230 less than a PS4 and if you wanted to be pedantic you could add in the cost of a Vita at circa £200 to enable the PS4 to do exactly what Wii U can do. It is as Black and White as a Penguin playing chess on a zebra crossing that Wii U is considerably cheaper than PS4 to own and perceived values and the depreciation of game values are in no way a valid justification to argue otherwise.


    I don't particularly approve of the way anyone is talking about this subject but it does genuinely feel like both you and dazzy are missing Sheikah's point on purpose.


    I don't think Sheikah disagrees that the unit and PS+ subscription is significantly more expensive than a Wii U on it's own. But if you take into account actually owning games over the lifetime of the unit then I think it's very likely that you will pay less on aggregate.


    I think that most people would easily get £200 worth of games out of PS+ over 5 years. And most of the games on disc, even the ones really worth getting, will likely drop in price to £20 or even £15.


    Compare that with Nintendo games that due to supply and demand, happily sit at £30 for a long time even waaaaay after they have been released.


    I don't really understand why you guys don't see this as a possible value argument. You are stating facts which are true enough without taking into account the real world scenario, that although is only a possibility and cannot be proven, is quite likely.


    Let's not even get onto the fact that the PS4 will likely price drop down to £250 quite easily in time.

  7. A new developer, AE Games have their own message to say, via GoNintendo



    I've never heard a company confuse business strategy with unjustified loyalty before. I think these guys left their perspective at the check-in desk.


    Some details:

    - Apart from EA, it is my firm belief (with some industry feedback) that anyone not developing for Nintendo is not doing so for business reasons.

    - No one is more responsible for the 3rd party situation than Nintendo

    - Burning your relationships bridges within a small industry is foolish

    - As a small dev, restricting your options in terms of release platforms is near suicidal.

    - Nintendo does not reward 3rd party loyalty

  8. How do people feel about the community here then? Is it somewhere you feel personally connected, like real friends just separated by the internet, or is it more of a common interest thing? You know, like talking to people who understand or have a similar perspective to you?


    Also what do you think is your social "function" (for want of a better term!) in the forum? How do you see yourself?


    Do you feel close enough to people here to call out for help if needed? Is it a place that you can rely on?

  9. I've been mulling this over a lot recently and I suppose this is my question:


    Why do you come to N-Europe.com?


    The answer may seem obvious on a superficial level but I'm sure everyone has their own slightly different reasons. I think most people come for the forums but are you and avid front page reader?


    Do you come here to find people similar to you, or perhaps to find those with differing opinions? Are you here simply to squeeeeeee at Nintendo stuff and express your happiness?


    What would make come here more? Why do you come here rather than anywhere else? Who are those members of the community that make it all worth it?



    Answers on the back of a postcard! :geek:

  10. Hi dazzy, I can probably be more helpful contacts wise. Unfortunately bluey and I host similar events of our own now (including helping with StreetPass Brum!) so having the time to get involved with another group is something that we'd want to do but probably shouldn't for our sanities' sake!


    I'd highly recommend getting in touch with Lincoln's local StreetPass team: https://www.facebook.com/streetpasslincoln?fref=ts


    Sam Kenealy runs that group and is likely to be able to get you in touch with your local Nintendo rep and possible Nintendo UK's community manager, who is a really nice guy. They might lend you some capture units that can be hooked up to TVs if you get reeeeeally lucky but they will come with technicians and basically bodyguards. Politically, you need to make this worth Nintendo's while and they have budgetary constraints so keep that all in mind if you do end up talking to them.


    Take a look at the Winter Pokémon event that they did to get an idea of how awesome some of their official mascot costumes are: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.186148238255198&type=1


    As far as other ideas go, I think that street performance and food would go pretty high on my list of culturally Japanese vibes. Things like ramune, interesting tea (like sakura tea) and some of the weirder food like takoyaki or something pretty fun like "make-your-own" okonamiyaki would be great. I would say do sushi as well but I don't think it would have the impact that it would have done say 10 years ago.


    You need to get some decent gatchapon machines too ;-)

  11. Perhaps I'm a bit dense, but I'm not entirely sure what's happening in Banbury. Is it for people with a 3DS?


    Well there are a few things going on at the same time...


    Firstly, yes, this is a monthly meet for our local 3DS club to play a Mario Kart 7 tournament. There will also multiple games of Mario Party 3DS going on but keep in mind that these are both download play games, so you don't even need to own the game! There'll also be some Double Dash around to play so you can give some of the whippersnappers a run for their money.


    Second, as a bit of fun and a charity fund raising event we will be holding two raffles. The first is exclusively for the Pokémon cushion which is open to everyone around the world as entry is online. The second is for a range of gaming goodies but the winners get to pick their prizes, so you have to be there to enter.


    But generally it would be cool to have people to come and generally hang out and have a drink with us. The venue is a great place we wanted to encourage people we knew to come and support us and SpecialEffect. : peace:

  12. OK mothercluckers.... here's just a taste of what we're going to have on the raffle at our event. It'll be a totally different raffle to the cushion:


    Awesome Pokémon hoodies!





    Wicked Mario cushion (seriously might have to fight @bluey for this)










    Nintendo decals





    Pokémon Jewellery






    Oh yeah.... I'm gonna bombard you with what you're all missing out on. @Kaepora_Gaebora , @Goafer , @MoogleViper , @mr_bogus , you are more than welcome :bouncy:


    That goes for anyone in the Northamptonshire and North Oxfordshire area, in fact anyone in the West Midlands or London -> Birmingham train line area! EXCITED!

  13. Thanks for all the responses everyone :) I think I just needed a vent, and to be talked down from my silliness. :heh:


    I am happy with my OH, I don't really intend to leave him over how I feel now. I think its just super odd for me as its probably my first significant grown up relationship. Dealing with all the new stuff, and not having as much alone time gets to me a bit... I'm used to being a loner!!!


    You use OH in your posts a lot... you go on LoveHoney don't you :p

  14. That's cool. I will spread the word, but I don't post about things such as charities on the site often. Whenever I do, I get inundated with requests and it makes me feel bad choosing between various ones, so I have taken a policy to not do it anymore.


    That's cool and I totally understand :-) Wasn't thinking about anything on the main page but possibly a post in the forum. I'm hoping that the guys on Nugget Bridge will bite :geek:

  15. OK so the page for purchasing tickets is now OPEN! (hint hint... it's our Just Giving page)




    Please spread the word about this as everyone deserves a shot at this. @Serebii , I'd really appreciate it if you could waggle this at the visitors to your site.


    Best of luck to everyone, there are many more details on the tickets page but if you have any questions then fire away!
