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About ~LAc~BodyCount

  • Birthday 02/21/1976

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  • Favourite Game?
    call of duty
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Newbie (1/14)

  1. thanks.. happy new year to you also..

  2. Happy new year BodyCount!

  3. 1question... what the fuck do i have to do with any of this ???
  4. i have been to my local GAME shop and they have the wii version down for release on the 11th... but GAMESTATION are not so sure.. they still have it down for the 8th but have not recieved any stock yet but they have started getting stock for the other versions.. confused now...
  5. Official Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Weapon Progression Behind the Scenes Video
  6. MW3 - Mind the Gap... an apparently leaked mission... sorry folks, the video has been removed from youtube..
  7. modern warfare 3 redemption single player trailer...... looks dam good....
  8. hi bud.. if you looking for a clan give our website a look... http://www.lethalaggression.webs.com


  9. As i have pointed out to you before.. this is not a clan website this is a gaming FORUM. A place for people to come and chat about all games for Wii, PS3, XBOX, PC, DS, 3DS.... need i go on. And as i thought, 1 of your members joined our website just to take a look at what was being said about the matches we had.... NICE.
  10. lol.. . good 1..why would i want to be joining N-E... think i will stick to my great and friendly clan if it's all the same to you..
  11. can't wait for this game, should be so good.....
  12. well what do i do now. with the wii u announced yesterday, which looks amazing do i still go for a ps3 for modern warfare 3 or wait to see what comes out for the wii u. decisions decisions.
  13. yeah.. i didn't mean to sound negative... soz. about clan match.. as i have said on your clan post and my own i am waiting on you guys to let me know when is a ggod time for yourselves... we tried to arrange 1 for the other week but some of your members had stuff to do.. Just let me know a date ( give a few days notice if poss ) thanks.
  14. mine has been flat from the day i got it, i still had to have my disc drive replaced..
  15. Er..... Because i was interested in other peoples thoughts....
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