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Posts posted by Caris

  1. Theres been loads of threads on new videos info pictures etc so just keep them all in here :),


    I would like to start the topic by asking why people are disapointed with PDZ so far i think it loks awsome, people say its changed but at the end of the day first persons have changed loads in 6 year or when ever PD was out on the N64, everytime i whatch a vid see the graphics hear the music i get chills down my spine :P.

  2. omg, i just have to post this i love the realeses or new consoles! its so exiting!, like no matter hwo many pics you see of the machine its allways diffrent in real life like when i 2st got my ps2 it was so small! and the gamecube contollers first time oulling the l and r triggers! uhhh cant wait!

  3. Have you watched any of the gameplay movies that have been posted in this thread?

    In some of them the game looks simply terribly and NOTHING (NOTHING) like the original!

    Just watch 'showdown at the carpark'!


    Nah i kept my eyes shut on them :s, course i have and it looks amazing!, the game play looks class! and the way she can peak round corners is a nifty little thing to, i personally think it looks amazing.

  4. How do yo uknow this before you've played it.


    (I really want it to be an amazing game, but PD on the N64 was such a good game, I just don't think this can live up to it's name)


    Well, the graphics are loads better and the new image of joanna dark is cool so there! :p

  5. Ok, my lower DVD drive light keeps flashing and it wont open plus its getiing very hot :|, all i done was re tied my cables a bit neater (took a fex molexs in and out) AND NOW THE BUGGER DONT WORK, so any ideas people?


    oh ive took the SATA (it hink its called long rectange one) out and the molex out and switched it on poped them back in to earse its meomery but it still dontwork :(,


    ALSO is there anyway to check how much power your using as i want to get a fan controller and few other things but not sure if my 350w PSU can ahndle it



  6. good little thing this, must be viewed through I.E Tho.




    Processor Intel Pentium 4 3392MHz

    Display Card ATI RADEON X600

    Memory 1024MB

    Operating System Microsoft Windows XP

    Free Disk Space 186.23GB

    Display Card Memory 256MB

    Display Driver Version

    DirectX Version 9.0c

    Optical Drive CD/DVD

    Sound Card C-Media Rear Panel Audio


    My System Performance

    Your system is among the top 19% of all systems scanned by the Game Advisor.


    cool :D
