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Everything posted by flameboy

  1. Life is Strange

    That is an understatement!!! Two major twists this episode that were incredible and very profound. One thing I like along with excellent characters that seem natural and you are able to love as well the brilliant timey wimey weaving plot is the number of relatively taboo subject matters the last two episodes have hit on. What a fantastic series so far.
  2. The next thing is how far along do people think this is? I'm wondering if it's hey here is a preview of Gears of War fully next gen debut which will launch in March 2016 but BOOM here is remaster of GoW1 released today!
  3. Looks awesome. How much do people think this will sell for?
  4. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

    Yeah I've done pretty well on finished games which is why I've been reluctant to start anything new, this month I've finished; Galaga Legions (finished all the main levels) The Witcher Sniper Elite 3 Injustice Gods Among Us (story mode) Tekken (beat arcade with each character) Yeah I never really had any problems with it last time just I had a few waypoints not work and got pissed off and bored...it's the perfect podcast game.I ended up with a extra eternity thingys so I got Rocket Raccoon as a second character (figured cos of his small size he would be different to play) my main is still Captain America I nearly at Level 20.
  5. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

    I know..I've been basically killing time playing Marvel Heroes and watching TV instead as not a lot else to play really that I know will be done by time this comes round.
  6. Are there any classic N64 games people would like to see on a stream? Currently trying to look for stuff...already streaming Banjo for sure.
  7. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

    Yep very jealous! Even if other stores/countries did break street dates no chance of me getting early as I went digital!
  8. DC's Legends of Tomorrow

    Nice one cheers! Getting to the point where there is too much to catch up with! Way behind on Flash only watched 3 episodes of Daredevil and not even started Agents of Shield!
  9. I finally joined the microphone master race and picked up one of these; My plan is to along with making it easier to hear us during to streams to have some form of viewer call in that can then be rolled out into a podcast/ be part of the stream highlights.
  10. DC's Legends of Tomorrow

    Oh I thought this was the Machinima thing they announced? Is that something different?
  11. Yooka-Laylee

    I'm wondering if they will add more stretch goals...there is always this worry that the scope shifts and becomes fair to large and hard to manage. Like I said earlier if they did something like will X amount will go towards our next spiritual successor whatever that may be when production on this is done. They can do some sort of teaser image for what this might be and then leave that lingering until Yooka-Laylee is launched. Let's be honest this team must have been talking about what other stuff they'd like to work on.
  12. Yooka-Laylee

    Oh god not this again! This isn't even the same as that argument. The site that was citied (gamenesia never even heard of them) certainly seems to be in the minority reporting it as a new Banjo game....Rare even tweeted; It doesn't get much more explicit than that. It was widely reported that Rare didn't even make it. It was made by the studio Rare tweeted at; AudienceE a company who make big screen interactive experiences. You have to wonder how much of a journalist Geoff Keighley is at this point, clearly didn't do his research. Too much time sat in the studio reading from prompters eating Doritos....
  13. I had my route planned from the start!!! Also didn't stop @Nintenchris from fucking up royally! EDIT: Events starting to fill out;
  14. Yeah might not be a bad idea to potentially source those in the general gaming thread in a retro challenges thread? Either way when running the challenges think will put up some sort of "Challenge suggested by XTZ" whilst it's running.
  15. Delighted to say @Jimbob is now officially a member of Extra Life 2015 welcome to the gang mate!
  16. Yooka-Laylee

    I don't get why this is being brought up. Those in attendance were told this is a crowd based kinect experience for the show at no point was anyone under any illusion that this was an actual game...Geoff Keighley misreporting.
  17. Not that I feel the need to back up everything but yeah finding that new energy is very important. NE has been massively supportive down the years but we don't want the same people to constantly feel like they are the only ones sponsoring. Jimbob as soon as you decide it's a go get signing up via the page I linked in OP and get in touch on facebook to join us in the planning.
  18. I'd like to reiterate that NE is very much at the forefront of this. I've not gone and posted this in other forums. Just we've felt the need that we have to acknowledge that a great deal of donations came from other projects outside of NE (other projects that NE is very supportive of as a community) I'd love it if this thread somehow became sticky so everyone sees it? I know what you mean about the inclusive nature...it's a hard one to pinpoint. I'll hold my hands up and say it's something we need to work but I do feel we have made strides over time. The first two years were at my place and we pretty much hit capacity there the 2nd year when we jumped from 3 to 5 people. and turned someone down because we already had all confirmed (apologies don't remember who). My moving to Canada and the move to Rez's freed up a space and we welcomed The Peeps and Cube into the fold. I did a year alone in Canada before befriending Nintenchris from here and we've done 2 years together now. So things have rumbled on slowly. So I guess the final part of my reply to you is where are you? I think you're part of the Sheffield N-E crew but I could be wrong? I know I'm far away in Canada but doesn't mean can't muck in and help work out some stuff. Also if you are definitely going to do one way or another (please do) then please get signed up on the website and send us a message on facebook to join the group convo we have over there!
  19. Team England Team Canada Team Wales Team UK RIP. Anyone wanna make Team Scotland?! Team Northern Island? The possibilities are endless....
  20. Nice! I see a new Team Wales forming already
  21. There we go getting the ball rolling that's what I like to see. Isn't @Jimbob near there somewhere (apologies if I'm completely wrong!)
  22. PC Gaming Discussion

    Can I ask where you found the fix and what to edit? I've noticed my Windows 8.1 machine sometimes struggles with HD video wonder if it's related.
  23. Yooka-Laylee

    Arguably Nintendo as one of the only developers still making them don't really need the reminder? We had Super Mario 3D World semi recently?
  24. Very happy and two series is completely unexpected. I feel a marathon working my way through them all again for the umpteenth time is on the books.
  25. Yooka-Laylee

    I've come from the thread in general gaming (no idea why it's in here when it's multiplatform, especially where there is far more discussion related to other consoles to be had, like will this make Microsoft sit up and notice? but nm)....Posted this in there so thought I'd repost it here: The pace is now putting it closer to $25 million...I doubt it will raise quite that much...but who knows.... EDIT: Example of people wanting the moon on a stick; I know there's a lot of people for who this is their first kickstarter so temper your expectations folks!