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Everything posted by Shaze_Nab

  1. Lets have everyones input here......

    Residant Evil 5, eternal darkness 2 (or are they just developing for the 360 now) and, of course, shenmue 3.
  2. Xbox360:Too Human First Look

    No. After Silicon Nights and Nintendo split, so did their games. I mean a Silicon Nights game isn't ruled out, but Too Human will be an xbox exclusive... Well for three months at least.
  3. Xbox360:Too Human First Look

    They still use media player with me :/ Anyway Too Human simply looks amazing. But it's early days yet, and we have no idea how this game will work or play. All we have is a trailer, so I'm going to reserve judgment.
  4. Jackson to direct Halo movie!

    OK my bad. Sorry
  5. Jackson to direct Halo movie!

    Sorry about that. But I don't really check the halo 2 thread, since it's pretty long. Besides although this has some relation to Halo 2, it's not 'Halo 2 the movie', it's 'Halo the movie'... Or that's what i'm assuming. So I don't see any harm in creating a topic, then again some of you would...
  6. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    I'm getting a 360 at launch, thing is I can't decide which game to get. In your oppinions, what looks better PDZ or kameo?
  7. Miyamato: "1% chance I will be in SSBR!"

    Y'know although crazy, that does sound cool.
  8. Joanna Dark gets on FHM cover!

    OK, that is just strange and sad... Almost as sad as the people who thought the naked lara croft cheat was real. Thank God the modding community wasn't that big then, or I could predict a lot of jaggy pixolated naked laras...
  9. will revolution have 5.1 sound?

    I think that revolution will also have 7.1 support. But since 5.1 is pretty much standerd with most entertianment things now, I think iw will definatly be included.
  10. Hilarious images!

    Hey you nicked most of these from Gerhold on MozLaPunk. I mean they're funny, but give the guy credit!
  11. You don't need to google porn, it's everywhere... Anyway, yes this is good news but this could be just one hardcore crowd searching again and again. I'm pretty sure playstation owners wouldn't keep looking at google again and again for info... They would much rather get it of Gamespot or IGN.
  12. Making a business

    Well the best businessman started out young. Richard Branson started out at 16 and look at hime mow. Not saying it's going to happen to you, but I'll wish you luck.... Um... Good luck!
  13. Sony losing support & money?!

    I dont care about anyones view on Sony in the games Industry. What concerns me is the 20,000 jobs being lost world wide, because, at the end of the day, we wouldn't be able to afford these consoles without jobs.
  14. Perfect Dark Zero - New Shot Scans!

    I can't wait for this. If this is doesn't get put back, it will be sitting in my sisk tray come December 2nd. My only concern (other than gameplay) is how badly will it lag in a 60 player game?
  15. Halo 3

    OK, gueesing by you sarcastic comments you don't want this post here, so I'm taken down this news piece. It wasn't really news in the first place, it was a rumour, which I tough could have been fake. I also stated that the guy could have been spouting complete BS, and could not have worked for Bungie at all. However some of you seemed to think that I believed this guy, although on numouras occasions I stated that he could have been a fake. This was also a rumour of the most minute size. so it did not harm anyone. I also didn't make any of this stuff up... Y'know I could have went on and on about features that didn't exist, but that would have been more stupid than giving you a basic name. So sorry for causing any inconvenience and the next time I think about posting harmless rumours (that i've stated were rumours) I will think about it. Sorry for wasting your time, because you've made it quite clear that's all I've done. Goodnight.
  16. Halo 3

    It wasn't supposed to be a big rumour. I hate reading about big massive fake rumours. I only posted this because it's small, and isn't going to create any hype what so ever. I mean would you rather me say 'OMG Halo is going to let you fly jet planes well doing the can-can on the wing', or would you rather me tell you boring stuff that wont get your hopes up?
  17. Halo 3

    Um... Did I say it had a chance of being real. No! I said it had a very real chance of being fake... I mean it's not like I'm telling you it's true, and it's hardly big, but it's still something.
  18. I understand what you mean. For me the revolution is as unique as the DS, it can't be compared to the PSP IMO. The revolution can't really compete with microsoft in the same way, sure they're competing for the same market, but like the PSP and DS one is taking the graphics route, and the other is taking the new gameplay route. I mean I've noticed most people are getting both a revolution and another console. I gues the main reason why is because you can't play revolution games on a PS3 and xbox360 and vice versa.
  19. Will it doesn't take a great deal of thunder away from my purchase... Although I may sound like an avid nintendo fan buy most of the time I've got an xbox 360 fund, and I'm getting one at lauch. However in Japan, Nintendo have clearly hurt both Microsoft and Sony... Microsoft are already in a bad persision in Japan, and nintendo seem to have made it wose. Sony still do amazingly well, but they to were overshadowed by not games, not specs, but a simple controller. The point I'm trying to make is, if a simple controller can overshadow it's rivals, the imagine what the games, online functions and specs could do... Of course they're is a chance all the gaes will be bad, but I doupt it.
  20. Yep, I totally agree with you. Microsoft were totally overshadowed at TGS, and the only way they're going to take attention away from the controller, is by (ironically) talking about it. If that makes sense?
  21. Penny Arcade Revolution Comic

    The Vgcats thing was funny... Jeez. Oh, and so is this.
  22. Should Wario Ware come free with Every Revolution?

    I think A demo disk, would be more reasnable than Wario ware.
  23. Black and White 2 and revolution?

    Given that B&W is coming to the DS I think, given the revolutions, control style we will see it on nintendo's new console.
  24. Revolution iPod like ads

    Um... Wat? Sorry I'm a bit dumb, when it comes to names...