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Posts posted by jayseven

  1. aww.. ok these might be bad questions because I haven't thought about them.


    1. What is Totally Radd!!? - Eenuh is right- I was looking for the Band!

    2. How do you make a door laugh? - Athriller is right



    3. In the book Money, what is the name of the film John Self is making? I'd accept two answers because I haven't finished the book yet.



    4. Creation, the event, concorde, babylon and honey; what do these all have in common? [i don't think anyone will get this] - Meik was right.

    5. Name five films with the letters T E H E M O in the title. Yes, two e's! - Monopolyman got it

    6. What makes the film Waking Life different from most? - Dukkadukka is correct - I was just looking for teh fact it was rotoscoped, but your answer proves you to be the only other person on here I know who has seen the film - well worthy of the point!

    7. Name three threads I've made! [/egotism] - Raining_Again is mah fan! :P

    8. Name five things I have on my desk? Not including pc/keyboard/mouse. - Gmac does it.

    9. type the words 'Patience is a virtue' 25 times in a row, each time using a different combination of upper/lower case letters. - haver gets.

    10. Name ten things I hate about you. - Kopo :D


    Ok I admit some of these questions are.. a bit dumb. But I'm a leniant kinda guy. Please be patient with me and my scoring speed. OK GO SHOW

  2. awww emo you two make a cute couple! (u are a couple right?! :heh: )


    gimme a "Hell yes!"


    lost the lip ring took it out for a job interview and didnt bother putting it back in. Didnt get the job though


    haha, glad I'm not the only one who made that mistake... I actually have a retainer, but it was a shoddy piercing job so you could see teh retainer inside my mouth when I talked, and it creased my lip and looked silly. You going to stay un-pierced permenantly?

  3. 1. Coca-cola, Sprite, Cherry Coke, Coke Light (Lite?), Coca-cola with Lemon, Diet coke with Lemon, Coca-cola Vanilla, Sprite Z, caffiene-free coca-cola.. ok that's surely enough? If not.. Dr. Pepper, Dr Pepper z, Fanta, Fanta orange twist, Fanta fruit twist.. They make the Oasis stuff too.

  4. I have no idea if myspace allow hotlinking..

    Ok, so probably in order of soberness, not date!



    Concorde2, Brighton, late June/Early July '05.



    Beach near Hove Lagoon, right next to Fatboy Slim's house, or something. May/June '05.



    Hove Lagoon, August '05.



    Hove Park, A-Level results day.. 17th August? That 'beard' has since been chopped, and since grown back a wee bit.


    yeah so I totally don't care about how I look anymore. I wouldn't have been able to post these shoddy pics a couple years back. Going to post a pic of me that was taken last night as soon as I get it.. which will probably be a few days, so you won't even have to pretend to be interested!


    Edit: Oh, and the lip ring's gone now; I took it out for a job interview and when I got home an hour later it had healed too much! let that be a lesson, kids.


    Got the job though! Not sure what the lesson is now.. Hmm..

  5. .. Well I just wanted to say in referrance to the Mighty Moshin' Emo Rangers link; I'd probably PAY to see that sort of television. Shame what you see is all they've done.

  6. Emi

    HI Emi, I'm Emo! LETS BE FRIENDS.


    What was the last thing you did that you're proud of?


    When was the last time you were embarassed?


    Do you have an ambition in life?


    What are you listening to right now?


    What was the last DVD you bought?


    Quote of the day?


    What do you want people to remember you for?


    Favourite Sport?


    If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?


    What's your poison?


    What SHOULD you be doing right now?

    Drinking at the Hogshead..

    What do you want to do as a job eventually?

    Love to be able to sell random shit that I'd write

    where do you see yourself in 10 years?

    Not where I should be, and worrying about being nearly THIRTY and having nothing to show for it.

    Favourite Bob Marley song?

    Did Bob Marley even sing Electric Avenue? Poor Eddie... UM.. Jammin'.

    Favourite Movie?

    Waking Life. SEE IT NOW.

    Favourite Food?

    Chicken Fajitas.

    Favourite game?

    Blast Corps (N64)

    Person you'd like to kill?

    I'll get back to you..

    What where you doing before you checked this thread?

    Eating PIZZA!

    Your Ideal Weekend

    Right now, it would be a weekend with my Clare. *yeee-whuup!!*

    Whats your house number/name ?


    Favourite album:

    Jimmy Eat World - Bleed American

    Best classic cartoon show?


    What's your shoe size?


    Who is better out of Chesney Hawkes, Pat Sharp and David Hasselhoff?


    What's your favourite program on TV at the moment?

    I don't watch TV. (scrubs is the best though!)

    Readers, what's your word of the day?


    What time did you go to bed last night?


    What are your plans for the day/What did you do today

    Watched The Good Girl with clare, listened to music, went to sainsburies, met rachel, bought food, I came home, went to town and reserved suit for a wedding, bought a tie, trousers, socks, pants, met Clare n' rachel again, came home. WILL be going to Hogshead once Clare gets here, then orf to some crappy rock night which will be lame.

    What's your favourite cheese?

    Boursin count?

    Favourite Comedy program?


    If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

    Bhy Dhose.

    What place on the planet would you like to visit and why?

    Leeds? Naw.. Australia as I have cool relatives there who I haven't seen since they went. Plus anyone I've ever met from Oz have been real cool.

    What is your sexual fantasy?

    Why should I tell you?

    Could you take Locke (Hint: no)?

    Rubbish question haver! :P


    question MISSED BY EVERYONE:

    Celebrities you've rubbed shoulders with:

    The other guy from Fast Show, and Fatboy Slim nearly ran me over once. Was on a plane with some tennis player and her cricketer husband but don't know who they were. AND THASSIT.


    New Q

    What's the BEST THING about yourself?

    My modesty.

  7. It's like Rob's having a strange dream;first in a car with twins in teh back, what i presume is his inner-child in teh seat next to him, then he's in a lift with a big woman.. very manly woman.. then he's running but going nowhere, then he's in a maze and going nowhere, then climbing stairs but going nowhere. then he tries beating up the big woman but (like you get in some dreams) his efforts seem to do nothing. the twins kiss at one point.


    Not sure on the order at all, but basically he's having weird dreams where he just seems stuck and stuff.

  8. What was the last thing you did that you're proud of?


    When was the last time you were embarassed?



    Do you have an ambition in life?



    What are you listening to right now?

    Brand New - Okay, I Believe you But My Tommy Gun Don't


    What was the last DVD you bought?

    Humm... Unforgiven?


    Quote of the day

    "Think about it, a bird has a head the size of.. of my nose. If I picked my nose and flicked it, the bogey would probably carry twice as much intelligence and half the disease as a pigeon."


    What do you want people to remember you for?

    For being myself?


    Favourite Sport?



    If you could change one thign about the world, what would it be?

    iMake Brighton beaches that little bit more comfy.


    What's your poison

    My friend Jeddah.. Grrz2ha!


    What SHOULD you be doing right now?

    Waiting. WHICH I am!


    (hope there's no new posts...)

  9. So here's the new challenge. Answer these questions three as honestly as you like. I was going to do some more questions but I kinda couldn't be botehred.


    instead... The next poster adds a further question and answers it as well as teh previous ones. If you've already posted and want to answer a new question then DO, so long as you post another question.


    What was the last thing you did that you're proud of?

    I passed out twice last night. MAYBE THREE TIMES.

    When was the last time you were embarassed?

    Wait.. Should the above have gone in here? Last time I was embarassed was.. two days ago. Unfortunately I am too scared to share it. Feel free to share yours though.

    Do you have an ambition in life?

    To have at least two kids, a border collie dog, a ford escort. Also to watch as many movies as I can.


    OK! I hope this works and doesn't become too much work. Get groovy.

  10. Why must the debate over ethics stop? Half the people are saying that this is obviously a wrong thing to do, the other half are (probably) playing devil's advocate. They're just defending the differences you will actually find in the world. As CTG said on page one (i think), we don't force our monogamous way of life onto those middle-eastern cultures where it's socially acceptable to have up to eight wives, or whatever.


    Sure, it's obvious to most people (especially in our western world) that this is downright cruel, but think about the way these people live. They're a small island controlled by an overseas government on the other side of the world. You think they're well off? They have fricking stray dogs roaming the streets, what about their human rights?


    May I point out NOW that I don't like this animal cruelty either, and may I also point out that I'm not too bothered arguing the case for relativist ethics (yes, I've just started studying AS Ethics/philosophy, sue me) because forcing my view that you can't force your views on others is kinda hypocritical. I'm just forcing my view that you should listen to what each other and, in particular, what Wes has been saying. Perhaps remembering the unwritten rules of debate would help you too -- Don't put someone else down just because you have a difference of opinion. I guess that covers slagging off the french.


    SO yeah, i don't give a shit what your argument is for anything, it's just the manner you go about sharing it with others (and me) that matters most.
