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Posts posted by jayseven

  1. Won't be a nolanisation. The humour is already too heavy for that. It could still be good, and honestly it looks like a lot of fun - but it's not going to be genre-defining like the batman trilogy was, and I doubt it will provide anything new story-wise. But it will be entertaining, which will be enough!

  2. My extra-curricular attempt to get a bank to stop being a bag o' dicks took a positive step - got a direct email to someone who actually knows what they're talking about, and not just the gatekeeper type customer service guys who have no power. This guy's going to chase up what's going on with my letter (sent a letter 5 weeks ago pretty much threatening legal action. Against a bank. Wtf).

  3. @Dr\. bob personally I found Homeland to be notworthit. The episodes switch between "OMG HE IS" to "OMG HE IS NOT" for the first 10 or so, then after that you realise that the show only has a couple of ways to go... Not the GREAT show people were shouting about.


    Watch Justified instead :P

  4. So I'm on netflix, having just "finished" (i.e. seen all the episodes netflix has so far) Justified, I recall The Good Wife, and make the (incorrect) recollection that this character in Justified is a main character in The Good Wife, which I only saw the first season of.


    So I start season 2 and immediately realise "oh right... yeah no that's not the same guy... but hey this show's good and there's 3 seasons to catch up on, so all good!"


    Two minutes later the actual actor I was thinking of appears in The Good Wife and now my mind is all sorts of coinky-dinky-blown.

  5. You can look geek and still look cool. The point is don't wear crumpled shirts or jeans with bird shit on 'em.


    I'd suggest dressing up clean-cut and casual, but if you don't wear flannel shirts with the top button undone on a regular basis then you can't force it to come across as casual (which in my book is "hey I was asked to dress well but it turns out I dress well everyday so here I am in clothes I wear everyday and yet I still look smart!").


    ... But to be fair I'd shit myself going on a date. ULTIMATELY you need to feel comfortable. If it's the first date in a long time then get in front of a mirror NOW (or tomorrow) and try on various combinations. If you look in the mirror and feel uncomfortable for some reason then it's not right. If none of your clothes work then go shop.



  6. Great idea for a thread. Pretty much the only good news/bad news in my life is job-related.


    I'm still enjoying the 'politics' of managing relationships with my colleagues, my bosses and the other teams. I'm working hard with the anticipation that a bigger and/or better role occurs in the next 6 months. I've had several ego boosts along the path of the last 10 months in this job, and teh hope of more to come keeps me going. If this was a dead-end thing then it would kill me. I have to stay aware that if nothing changes in 6 months then it will be a dead end thing, so come september I will know if I need to look elsewhere.


    It's never easy to know whether to stay the course or jump ship, but I think people should not be afraid of being unemployed. It can be a real struggle financially, but it is completely possible. This fear should never keep you from making a shift. Ultimately a spell in a new job brings new experience which could prove to be priceless further down the line. At least, that's my opinion on the matter right now!

  7. Love this stuff dude. Was a fan of nintendocore over 10 years ago (where has my life gone) - Totally Radd!! worth checking out if you've not seen their stuff, though i guess it's more 16-bit? Not really sure how to define.


    have you made any non-action (perhaps background) music that is less beat based? Like, menu music... or love-scene music? Keep posting what you make, it's always fun. Would be good to hear about your influences as well!

  8. That's awesome, Jay, some great experience you're getting there. Try and become the point man between dev and the business, explain to dev what the business wants to be able to do then take back their ideas on how it will work. This is a very powerful role as a lot of people don't speak "IT". Drive change in the organisation and you can save it a lot of money. Business Analyst jobs regularly go up on job sites that pay £400 / day as well if you are interested in a change in the future. Becoming a contractor BA is one of my next career goals. A little bit off that right now as I think a professional qualification could help me out but hopefully the contract after next could see me move into it.

    I never really knew what the term would be, but I definitely feel analysis is my strong suit. I just googled a bunch of business analysis jobs and holy shit this is what I'm basically doing in my spare time at work. I've done the workflow mapping stuff and everything. Fuck. Charlie you might've just given me more of an impetus to be proactive in my career (which has been more of a careen so far).

  9. Congrats rez! Always good to be recognised at work.


    Had a meeting with the IT guy, my team leader and me. We basically spent two hours figuring out how to make my ideas real. On the one hand, I can now put on my CV some extra cool stuff about being lead in redeveloping our CRM (and testing it), but on the other... I can use this as leverage in september to fish for a payrise. If I'm really lucky I'll get a bonus this month/next month, because ultimately I'm saving people close to a day's labour per week by automating some simple things.


    I also managed to do 80% of my week's work on monday. Work is good.

  10. Out of nowhere, I'm moving house!


    Back when I moved into this place there was a potential to move in with a mate and his mate, however his mate had a gf and he was worried about the house divide being 1/3 girls/boys. Now he's broken up with her, and the student he had handed in her notice, so for an extra £100 a month on what I'm paying I will be 10 mins from work in a refurbed house with solutions to the majority of problems that currently affect my living situation; bigger kitchen, dishwasher, larger shared areas, kitchen cupboard and fridge space.


    I'm still planning on moving in with another mate in june/july. The place I'm moving to in april wants me to stay 'til august/sept. I figure that I can deal with potential consequences of mismatched months when they arise. Another issue may be the deposit side of things. This new place is £500 all-inclusive per month. I asked about deposit and they just said a month upfront. On the walk home I realised I wasn't sure if this meant an additional £500 was needed or not. I basically spent 50% of my wages this month already, and it's a heavy birthday month (girlfriend AND mother)... I have space in the overdraft in any instance, but I should get my deposit back from this place to contribute, and I know that I can ultimately ask my dad for a bridge fund -- and ultimately if I can use march maycheque to fund the move then everything will be fine no matter what.


    It's a pretty swift end-of-chapter, but a welcome one. If the plans with my IT manager don't work then this next place seems quite viable. It also means that me and my gf should be able to have more time together as well, which is really the whole point!


    ALSO today I got to work (in a new black sweater) and did like 90% of my week's work in a day by knucking down and just working mega-hard. We've had new 'incentives' (i.e. bottle of wine/rum/vodka) for the most productive team member for the last 3 weeks, and I always just get all anti and refuse to compete when these things happen. This week we have no incentive and I'm determined to be the above-and-away leader in output just to show that I don't need incentives to do my fucking job. As a consequence my black sweater already has a reputation as a "serious jayseven" mode. I was quite short with people today (acted like a boass), and perhaps that's a good thing.



  11. Went contemporary, and thought that the speeches idea was great, though I'm sure most people are doofuses -- had enough wedding invitations that were just so flowery and purple and joined-writing and looked like easter cards my nan would send me. Weddings should be individual!

  12. Thanks to the replies guys. I needed to vent, and I really do appreciate that people had opinions to offer. All of which were valid, and taken on board.


    Was a tough few days, but I managed to drink it out of my system (alone and also with a work friday night out), and have a great talk with my girlfriend and my dad as well, whose perspective on the matter counts the most as he understands it the most.


    Also I did actually start some 'self-improvement' things; last weekend a friend left me a couple of URLs to sites teaching coding. Saturday I was too hungover to go outside or watch stuff, and I had the tab open. So basically I've been learning python and html and stuff and realising holy hell this makes sense, I can learn stuff. Whether I'll follow through and develop this skill thoroughly or not is still up in the air but it was nice to be back at work today knowing that I was productive and somewhat still able to alter my future.


    I also walked past two guide dogs being trained on teh way to work. More signs.


    So to sum up; I took on board what everyone said, but I can't sit and plan my future. It goes against who I am and would just lead to failures. I have rediscovered my optimism and faith in my own ability, and that will do. For now. Give it a few months and I'll be down again.


    But yeah - thanks for the messages guys. Sorry I've not replied directly to any posts.

  13. ...in the last few months... and we're talking about in 20 years time.


    Just take a look at the current research in genetic engineering. I'd be highly surprised if, in 20 years, there wasn't some treatment to give sight back (assuming they haven't prevented the degeneration by then). Sure it probably won't be perfect vision by then, but there will be something. And then in another 5 years it will be even better.


    They've already made glow in the dark cats, if that's not the pinnacle of human achievement then I don't know what is.



    lols :P


    The results from the last few months = the outcome of years of studies. It is positive because they've trialed it on humans. If, in 20 years, they do develop the tech to 'cure' then it'll be in its infancy, and used mostly to treat minors. I've had hearing aids since I was 3 years old and the moment I turned 18 they just stopped giving a shit. On the one hand I get that - if there is anyone in my position but younger than me then FUCK YEAH sort them out first...


    But Moogle.. thank you :P I owe you some ciders. You prefer the fruity shit right? So GAYmers, yeah?

  14. No, dude, that;s cool. I can earn now and save... but for what? One avenue is where I am basically fully gimped and reliant on social services. They can provide a home and food, et cetera. If I save up all that happens is I am not entitled to the 'benefits' for a longer period of time. The best use of money, in my opinion, is to spend it while I have it and potentially see things while I can. I mean sure that doesn't mean I'm not burning money on cider and smokes but the point remains.


    And honestly I can't imagine not killing myself if shit was unlivable, so why save?


    Basically I'll 'retire' when I'm blind. I'll get a guide dog and spend my days pottering around, being patronised and misunderstood.


    There is a plus side. There has been some developments in treating retinal dystrophy in the last few months. However it's only effective in the early stages... but in the last 10 years the eye hospital has had a surge in equipment, technology wise, so I'm not giving up hope. Continued investigation into gene therapy and stem cell reasearch = good news. My referral means I'll also be put on a register and potentially invited to future trials, so it's not all bad news. I'm almost certain that if it was 2114 then this would be a routine surgery away from a solution.

  15. Basically; had an ENT and Eye Hospital appointment today. Eye hospital appointment bizarrely changed from 10:30am to 9:30am. ENT was 8:45am. Bus was late, got to the ENT at 9am. Sitting there for 5 mins (ENT is ear, nose and throat for those who don't know - and I was there for ear stuff) and an old lady gets wheeled in. I say to her (lying) that I've been waiitng 20 mins. She asks me to speak up - so 9:05am I say quite loudly that I've been waiting 20 mins and I have NO TIME until I need to get to the eye hospital -- a door whips open and a doctor calls me into her room. She knows, as I do, that I've not been waiting 20 mins, however she then says "sorry I thought your appointment was 9am" --- so already she admits she's kept me waiting for 5 mins longer than I should have been even if she was right. if I had turned up on time then I really would've been left waiting, and then some.


    The good news is she gave me replacement hearing aids immediately, which means I can now hear better than I have been able to for over 7 months. Which is indeed great news.


    I get out and run over to the eye hospital. I clock in at 9:25am, and so I sit there for 25 mins, as always the youngest person there but half, and eventually get seen and get through a typical sight test, get a round of eye drops, then told to wait some more. I then get sent to do a field vision test, then get some more drops, get a RMLI (I dunno) scan, more waits and at 11am I get seen by my doc. He doesn't say much but agrees that my vision has decreased massively in the 10 years since we last met up. he refuses to give me a timeframe for prognosis, but refers me to moorfields (best eye hospital in the uk if not eu/world), to get "genetically catalogued". Turns out my eye shit is now considered "retinal dystrophy". There's a 'family' of conditions which fall under this umbrella. Previously I was told that my dad's condition (stargardt disease) was unrelated, as our conditions affected different parts of the retina. Now, in teh last 10 years, they believe they are linked. This means that when they previously told me that it wasn't genetic, they were wrong.


    SO essentially i've spent the day drinking a lot of cider (even for me) to cope with this. I am probably going to be fully blind within 20 years, and I have no idea what to do. Why bother with any job? What the fuck can I do in 20 years time?


    I've exchanged messages and will meet my dad on saturday. He's the best person to speak to -he's gone through similar shit. But the difference is he's not deaf as well. And he wasn't brought up by a single parent. I feel so broken, and the hand I was dealt was so fucking shit. I must've been a right cunt in a previous life. I have no drive to do well today. I am thinking about all of the people I know and playing "who has the worst life?" in my head and coming up trumps.


    Just... A bad day. Really bad. Fuck, man. This post doesn't express it. Life is fucking hard for me and I get ZERO recognition, and I have no idea what to say. I try so hard and linkin park, right?


    Got more cider.

  16. Dude, you of all people should know to FUCK the JSA side of things. The point is that you should receive enough income to help you find another job before you run out of money. Redundancy isn't meant to be a sweet freebie.


    Keep looking for a new job. You may find one that is perfectly timed to make the most of redundancy - if not, then you may find a better job that is worth forsaking the redundancy. I mean, what's the point in taking the redundancy with being allowed to sign on for JSA if you'll be stuck on JSA for 9 months and burn through the redundancy anyway? Find a better job. Strive upwards.

  17. I once spoke to a train driver in a pub who was enthralled to tell me about the benefits he'd get if someone jumped out in front of his train. It was like he wanted it to happen.


    I was almost certain he was going to offer me a small fortune to jump in front of the 11:14 to meadowhall. At that time I was pretty poor...

  18. Nice one dude! No need to be so modest, your 'small' update is a sharp comparison to your earlier downplaying of your chances. You're a good example of smart job-seeking acumen, and you should be proud!


    P.S. can I borrow a couple thou once you start?

  19. I think it's natural to drift away -- many of us joined in our mid-teens and grew up here. My disenchantment with nintendo occurred with real-life coming of age stuff, so it wasn't a big deal. There can be a strong tie between contribution and sense of community. There will always be an active core of the community, yet there's going to be names and avatars that will always be remembered and recognised, even if they don't post for a year or two.


    By-and-large I know people irl better than I know people on these boards, but that's not to say that I don't know the people on here. There are members I know I could chat shit with for hours on end, and members who i would struggle to coverse with, despite knowing what they ate last night, what they got for xmas and what their current relationship woes are.


    @Jamba by the sheer fact that you had the first n-e wedding, whether you want to call it that or not, means you are forever embedded into the 'lore' of the forum :P


    We've always suggested that people planning on leaving or going on hiatus ought to do so quietly, simply to save grace. Wanting to leave with a big bang is strange because it's leaving a thread for you to check to see how people resond, which will give you a false measure of the relationship others have with you. But I get what you're saying - times change, people grow. You shouldn't feel like you have to somehow apologise because the forum isn't right for you.


    God speed, have a good real-life, and see you around :)
